Apparently, Bearded Dragons DONT need UV, and hand out such advice freely to any poor newbie who will listen,.
There are several major breeders who don't use UV for beardies.....
Apparently, Bearded Dragons DONT need UV, and hand out such advice freely to any poor newbie who will listen,.
Infact, i may not own any beardies as of yet but that does not mean i haven't had any first hand experience with them. i have looked after beardies for a while for others and learned off of my friends and since living in gawler i have actually heard things from trustworthy sources not the internet or reviews in magazines. about said shop and have recently cancelled my booking to take my brother to the pagent! I'm not out to bad mouth anyone. you don't know me, what i'm like or anything about me at all or what my history is with reptiles, just because i don't own any doesn't mean i have no experience.When at all did I say that I would be going to Petstop on Saturday? Now, Lambert, you seem happy to badmouth the man openly on an internet forum but have you brought up your issues with him personally? I have known the man (not going to name names) for a few years now and he is rather knowledgeable and sources animals from breeders of high repute in this hobby (so I'm sure he himself learns from some of the best). Also, if it is unfortunate that you will be going there on Saturday, why? If you don't like it there, don't go, easy.
Also, judging by prior posts of yours, and your signature, you don't actually own any reptiles, specifically lizards. Therefore, how can you make a judgment in regards to the care of lizards and reptiles when you yourself have bugger all experience and no personal observations to compare to..? Yeah you could have read all the books and internet posts in the world
Originally Posted by Dipcdame![]()
Apparently, Bearded Dragons DONT need UV, and hand out such advice freely to any poor newbie who will listen,.
Yes, but then I was told that they cycle them outdoors. what am I supposed to believe?"
I'm told that they cycle them outdoors, what am I supposed to believe?