Lost Snake :(

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Wow, just can't contemplate how a head-butt could of caused so much damage! :? I mean I get head butted by my pitty when we play whose head's as solid as a brick, and no injuries (apart from the obvious 'ow' factor lol) have ever come of it, must also have an equally hard head :lol: hehe
snake just showed up and scared the ABSOLUTE **** out of me. Now i have a problem i put a deposit on another snake really don't have room for both.
congrats on finding your snake. Maybe try calling the seller and explain wats happened. You may lose your deposit though
yes i will have to do that i don't mind loosing the deposit tho i hate when people stuff me around
Good work finding the little guy did you find it or did it find you?
it found me. Just crawled up over the back of my monitor scared the living crap out of me haha
Man that's awesome I lost my golden phase a couple of months ago...looked everywhere but no luck.....my bets on my little French bulldog enjoyed an expensive meal : (...already picked up another two and learnt my lesson if they get out of the new enclosures I know someone has definately taken them
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