Mice/Mites ????

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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2008
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in the snake room

The missus was cleaning out the mice tubs today and found some small black bugs in the feed, could these be rodent mites? If so can i use TOD?? or how do i get rid of them?
I'm guessing they came for the bag of feed i bought at the pet shop so i checked the whole lot out!!!

Also how do i worm my mice?

I had "lice" on some mice a while ago, I culled the entire collection bleached everything sprayed with tod and started again from scratch. I've had the new lot for a few months now and they're awesome breeders. Much better then the last ones, it was kind of a good thing in the end.
There is a form of rodent mite, it is a completely different bug to the dreded snake mite. Best way to get rid of it is to treat mice/rats by treating their drinking water. You can use panacur or Ivermectin, you would have to watch the dosages though, can't remember them off the top of my head.
well my my g/f could see them with her eye and she said they looked oval shaped like a lice.
Any idea what we should do?

how do i know if they are weevels?

If i see them again i will get a photo.
The last batch of rat food that I bought had small black bugs in it and I was told by the shop later on that they were weevels. They weren't small like a flea, more the size of a small black ant but they were oval in shape.
If they are in the food and not on the mice then they probably arnt lice or mites, but rather just something that eats whatever food you are giving them.
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