My baby Bredli bites and bites and bites

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all depends on the individual python. if your python is stressed out - leave it alone for a week to settle in and adapt to it's surroundings/new enclosure.
I've had my 6-7 month old bredli for abit over 2 months now and she's still snappy and stuff. I just pick her up with a hook and slowly rest it on my hands and I handle her for about 20 minutes.
as mentioned already just give your little bredli time to settle sometime snakes are not handled by there previous owners takes lots of patients just handle for a few minutes then slowly increase handling time most snakes settle down quickly bredlis are usually very placid snakes
my jungle is only starting to calm down now after many many many bites, but what i found best was when she was in the hide i could pick up the hide with her in it and then rest her on my hand i did that for about 2 -3 weeks and copped a fair few bites doing it that way but now i can reach in and pick her up.
I'm taking all of your advice and leaving him alone for now. I will get him out again for a few minutes when it's time for his next feed.

I wanted to ask another question though...

His enclosure has sticks, trees, lots of greenery etc, but can that be a bad thing? Like, can he be TOO happy in there and get 'angry' at me for trying to take him out of a place he likes?

Sorry if I'm asking silly questions, but like I've said...I never had any problems with my scrub (as hard as it is to believe), so this tiny little biting machine has just thrown me off.
one of my bredli was a cranky pants when i first took it home. Now he wouldnt hurt a fly ( well when its not dinner time). It will settle down in a few weeks or so. I let my hatchling bite me a few times to show it wasnt going to get him anywhere as well

Cheers Nick
His enclosure has sticks, trees, lots of greenery etc, but can that be a bad thing? Like, can he be TOO happy in there and get 'angry' at me for trying to take him out of a place he likes?

Nah, they don't think like that :)
seeing as he is a nervous little fellow, I would think the more greenery to hide amongst the better.
when I got my hatchy I put alot of fake vines and carboard hides in the enclosure.After a week I
took out most of the hides and only left the ones she uses and her vine.
as already been said IMO he isnt 'angry' that you get him out, more frightened really.
good luck with him, im sure he will settle in time.
Leave the Snake alone for a WEEK!

Leave the snake alone for a week! it has to de stress and get used to its new surroundings!! If you stress your snake too much its going to re gurgitate its food and make for an unhappy lil'tacker.
The poor little thing is stressed out!

Leave it for a week to settle down before you even think about feeding it.
All snakes are different. Did you research the background of this snake befroe you purchased it? These are all queastions you should be asking before you buy a snake. Why do you remove the snake form the enclosure for feeding times? is it in with aother snake?? or is that something that has to be done for that breed? I generally dont touch my snake the day before or the day after it gets fed. So if it does learn, it knows that when he gets no play one day, he gets fed the next. They also need time to digest the food, and if your handling the snake alot around this time, it can also get Agitated.
The best rules for an enclosure, is if you dont want it to be hard work every weekly clean, K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid. (noy calling you stupid.. its a quote).. Things like a toilet roll cardboard in there for a hide. If you have alot in there, Make sure its immaculately clean first, and never let it get dirty, alot of things is alot to clean.
I take him out of his enclosure at feeding time because it's what I've always done. Mainly because a lot of people have told me it's better to feed outside their enclosure so that they don't think you have food everytime you put your hand in there.

If that's wrong, well then I'll stop doing it.

I know your not meant to hold them after a feed, and I don't, well only for like 15secs while I put him back in his tank.

He doesn't even really hide. When he's not trying to get out, he usually just has his tail wrapped around a branch and his head resting in the plants. Other then the greenery, he has a coconut cave I made for one of my fishtanks but thought I would put one in his tank. He used it the first night as there was no greenery in there yet.

I haven't held or even touched him since I started this thread, and I'm not going to for another week or so. I'm bummed because he was my birthday present (bday on thurs) and I was hoping I would be able to hold him by then, that's why we got him early.
Oh well, it will be worth it in the end.
I don't think it matters if you take the snake out and put into the feeding tub. the snake won't know when it's feeding time or not i reckon. lol my woma have always eaten in the enclosure and doesn't mistake my hand when it's coming in for a feed. i reckon just feed in his tub to minimise the stress.
Well he doesn't have any problems feeding, so I guess that is a plus.

Our neighbours came to watch the last feeding (from a far) because they have never seen a snake eat before. They were amazed!

I guess another good thing is that he doesn't strike when I go over to his enclosure anymore. It's like he just doesn't look at you and sort of tries to hide his head behind his body lol

He'll come around when he's good and ready. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later though lol
Let it settle in for a week. Then hold it and put it back when it starts getting annoyed. It will slowly get used to being handled and wont care. Thats what I did with my bredli, and snapping is good, because apparently it means the have a good feeding response.

Thanks for that snowman! It was really helpful!!

He's hiding in his coconut cave today. Must have gotten sick of me looking at him all the time yesterday lol.
LOL moosenoose! I used to think he was just evil, but I think he's starting to come around now. The real test will be when I try to handle him again...
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