My Beardie is not eating.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
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VIC - Metro
Hi all,

As some of you know I just got a baby beardie about 9-10 weeks old.

The day I got him he ate a few cricks, the next day a few less and now none.

Here is my examination.
  • There is no signs of twitching
  • No unusual head tilt
  • He has been passing stools each day that look OK
  • He has eaten a little bit of veg today (which Is erver fresh each morning
  • I have been misting him occasionally each day
  • He does move around and sits up
  • Seems active
  • Basking temp around 35-38C
  • He gets within 6" of the UV Fluro Tube.
I left him in a tub today for about 15 minutes with some cal dusted crix and he only ate 1 i think.

Should I be worried or is he just getting used to being alone and in a new enclosure?

Should I not offer insects for at least a day or 2 then feed him insects? He always has fresh dusted veg and water.
My guy didn't eat much when i first got him either.

Eventually he did but i made the mistake of hand feeding him with tweezer ... BIG MISTAKE now he won't eat any other way lol.

Temps sound ok mine are around 40 or more depending on how hot it is during the day i wouldn't worry too much.

How big are the crix that you're feeding ? How are you feeding him ? You putting them in the enclosure or in a tub? How many you putting in the tub/enclosure at a time, put too many in there and you might stress him out a bit.

I'm no expert though in saying all of that.
He may not be adjusting well to the change.
it toke mine a few months to settle in
but now she eats fine.

Try feeding the little guy with tongs.
and i give you a little advice dont stick the head of the cricket for him to get first because it will freak him out cause the cricket tries to attach itself and nip at the beardy.

dont use anything bigger then pinhead crickets.
and with the tongs thing it may be a little early for him to be in a tub with them
my beardy is a year old and im only starting to put her in a tub with them.

hope this helped
good luck.
Try feeding the little guy with tongs.
and i give you a little advice dont stick the head of the cricket for him to get first because it will freak him out cause the cricket tries to attach itself and nip at the beardy.

LOL sorry but i just find that a little funny. It might be true i dunno but i know that my beardie won't eat crix unless they're fed head first ....

And like i said, tongs/tweezers are a good idea but if you're dragon is anything like mine you'll end up feeding it that way forever :shock:
well maybe it depends on the beardy because the cricket tries to attack mine and after the first time i tried to feed it cricket after that it didnt eat them for a while.
The crix are small crix, no bigger than between his eyes, I made sure of that.

Although I did put about 8-10 crix in the 13L tub. I have tried with tweezers and he just stares at it. He seems more interested in keeping his eye on me. lol.

I just don't want him friggen going on me. I love the little thing. He waches me playing FIFA09 in PS3 whilst he is basking which is funny as.
If the dragon won't eat in its enclosure, then the odds of it eating in another tub (with new surroundings) are very very low.
You could up the basking spot up a few degrees (40c) cause with a low temp sometimes they won't eat. One of my bubs hasn't been eating for a few days, Checked the temp (since it hasn't been as hot here) and it was only 37c.. upped the wattage (made it 42c) and is eating like a horse again.. Otherwise if your REALLY worried you can assist feed it. Hold it in one hand gently while putting a cricket near its head (on tweezers) and move it around its mouth.. it should open its mouth and bite onto it (or you can slightly in its mouth) and it will take some.. But if it looks fine etc then I wouldn't worry :)
OK then in saying that, what would you suggest? seriously...

Stop stressing it by moving it around... Leave it alone, provide a bowl with veggies each day and a bowl with crickets (back legs pulled off so they don't jump around- squeeze the thighs then pull), and spray the dragon once or twice a day. Other wise ignore it- no handling.
Try woodies instead of crickets.

My beardie loves woodies, and every now and then she will get a stray cricket in with her woodies, she never eats them just stares at them

Worth a try
Silkworms > Woodies > Crickets > Mealworms.

Woodies are excellent as a staple. You might be confused with mealworms, which should only be given every now and then.
Yes I think I did confuse. I will pick some up today and try them out. Hope he eats the woodies as I would imagine they are easier to handle than those damn jumping crix.

Does the same rule apply in terms of no bigger than the space between his eyes?

Ok ordered a tub of woodies from Australian Reptiles. They will be here on Thursday. Today he did not eat at all, but as mentioned he was basking and now sleeping. I didn't try much as I though when the woodies come he will be very hungy. I think he did touch his veg though.

I will place the woodies on a jar cap and see how he goes..

Did not handle him once today, but will move him out tomorrow for a bit while I install some extra vents for the cool side.

I am really worried for him.

He is stressing me out lol
Our 4 little baby beardies wouldnt eat properly but we assisted them feeding and we pulled off the antennas and front legs of the crickets cause they frighten them by trying to scratch there faces, after 2days they all feed freely now.


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Shinny, I am not even going to bother with crix any more.. the friggen frustrate me majorly, hopping around etc.

Looking forward to the woodies.... no legs, no jumping
Thants cool was just a suggestion cause it helped mine. Good luck with the woodies then
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