My Beardie is not eating.

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the woodies will not stay on that jar lid very long about 15 sec max they are fast little buggers. and woodies have legs and like to hide
Beardie_Boy_6! You're right.

Guys the woodies came and correct they are quick. What is the best way to feed them to my beardie??

i either feed them their woodies on the front porch, as in drop and let them chase, or pick them off the egg cartons.

if i'm feedign them indoors i hand feed, i ended up with a bit of a woody problem a few years ago from escapees breeding in my wardrobe! :)

thankk god they werent proper house roaches,..!!
Hey guys.. I just noticed that he seems to be closing both his eyes but is still in a basking position. His posture looks healthy..

This little guys is stressing me out.. Can I feed him in a tub with 1 woodie at a time?
u can try.

if ur beardie isnt eating anything get some bearded dragon pellets, soak them in hot water and mush them up, add a pinch of calcium and start putting drops on its nose with a syringe.
Baby food works too, the longer it doesnt eat, the harder it will be to get it going again.

the wet food will keep it nourished and hydrated and its strength up till its ready to eat on its own.

it will start eating bugs when its ready, its not gonna 'ruin' it for insects.
I got a new little boy a few weeks ago, and I've found he's not eating heaps of live food. I tried putting him in a tub with the crickets and he just kept trying to escape the tub like a psycho dragon. So I threw half a dozen crickets in his tank and have fresh vegies/salad available every day and leave him to it. He freezes every time I go into the room he's in, so I'm putting it down to him getting used to his new enrironment. I did see him eat one cricket in his tank (I don't think he saw me) and I see him watching them as they run past, but he's still pooping so I'm not too worried. Just give it time to settle in and keep offering all food and spraying with water.

Hope that helps.

Thanks guys!

Monique, I have read that keeping crix in the enclosure overnight is not good for the dragon as they annoy him when he sleeps and may nibble on him to..

I will try n feed him in the next 10-15 minutes..
Yeah I know about that. I've been watching, and most of the crickets hide at night, or sit in his plate of vegies. He sits high in a tree to sleep and they don't seem to even climb it. After a couple of weeks he still looks fine, even shed for the first time yesterday, so always a good sign. But I spose I keep spending time in his room to get him used to me being there also might help aswell. I think one main thing I did learn from my other beardies is that there is a lot of trial and error. Some things work and others don't, but always keep trying something. The liquid via syringe idea or mushed food idea is a good one too, have done that before with my others.
Have you lifted his basking temp higher? A few people have told me their beardies only eat when it's 38 - 41...
Wooohooo!! :)

He ate like 10 woodies.. I left one at a time on his basking site\tile and he just loves em..

I will turn up the basking temp a noch. Just put thermometer in there, so just need to wait about 10-30 minutes.
OMG I can't believe how much he loves woodies..

He goes crazy now for a feed.

I have fed him twice today which will be the routine for a little while..
Thats excellent that the woodies worked!

Maybe yours is fussy like mine! Jazz loves woodies, but for some reason wont touch the crickets lol
Do you have calcium powder? I spray them with water and sprinkle the powder on the woodies when i feed her.

Also, an idea for you... buy a plastic tub to feed her in, you will need to get some fluon or vaseline for the sides so the woodies cant crawl out but its soo much easier to feed that way. Woodies are so fast
I sprinkle cal powder on his insects and shake them in a little tub.

I also prinkle vitamin on his veggies.

It's funny koz I empty the insects into a little microwaveable tub, about 60mm in diameter, I then sprinkle the cal and close the lid n shake. They can't seem to climb the tub (even before I sprinkle cal).

When you say tub, do you mean a feeder tub? Where I place the beardie and insects in? If so, already got one but he doesn't like it. Freaks him out.
ahh cool

Just any kind of tub, mine isnt very high and she can jump out herself when shes done eating
sure did work out... You dont understand how much of a releif it is that he is now eating.. PHWEW..
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