Not so new Member

Get the museum look at home! We now have a wide range of popular species including snakes, lizards, turtles, amphibians and crocodilians! Over 100 in fact. The Name Plate is customised with your pet's name, the species' common name and latin name, it's hatch date and gender. It features a map which shows where the species is distributed in the wild. The QR code links to an informative website about your animal which can be updated to suit current species information (to use just download a QR scanning app to your phone such as QR Droid for Android or Qrafter for iPhone). Animals that are considered dangerous are marked with a danger symbol as a warning. You have two materials to choose from. For a simple, crisp look we have the Black & White Acylic which can have either a self-adhesive backing or Velcro dots. For a beautiful, premium look you can upgrade to our Real Maple Panels using Velcro dots to allow for easy removal when required. |

Prices start at $10.95 for each Name Plate Small is 85 x 54mm Large is 145 x 90mm Available in Black & White Acrylic or Real Maple Wood Buy online at |