Hey Animalluva. We're not criticising every aspect of your set-up - you asked for help, we're all just trying to give it to you, & to your Beardie (which it all boils down to)
The effects of coil lights aren't overnight, as Notechister said, It's long-term & usually irreversible by the time it's noticed.
I'm sure if you get on to a search on this website, or Aussie Reptile Keepers, or BeardedDragon.org, punched in coil UVB lights, & then the red glow light you've got, you'd be able to do your own research on the side effects if you're interested.
Money (unfortunately) doesn't grow on trees, that's why suggestions in earlier posts re how to get around the problem until u or your parents have funds, or the exchange part. You can say you're only 11 until your blue in the face, or until your beardie's dead.
I really hope your 'expert' advice hasn't come from the pet store. If it hasn't, also read the post on 'Please read this' that's out there at the moment.
There's nothing worse, as a pet owner of any animal, to ultimately discover your confidence & pride was the ultimate cause of your animals death