New ferrets :)

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all i can say to that is it's really none of your business! i to have mental health issues but some animals act like a therapeutic relief. put yourself in the position of having a mental health issue and having a bird that is constantly screeching. they give you headaches annoy the heck out of you and all you want them to do is be quiet so you can try and gather your thoughts and take each day at a time.
i have 2 budgies which i hate and when i was going through chronic clinical depression (no i don't mind saying) and i was suicidal as a result of a build up of stress and unnecessary pressures put upon me plus being over the fact i'm constantly having meds increased and being unemployed it was all topped with the birds screeching i was at the point of either letting them go or breaking their necks just for some peace and quiet....i to am still suffering from chronic depression and severe anxieties (40mg of Prozac a day) and if i go off it i become worse. in December i bought yoda and i guarantee hes had an effect on my mental health and family have noticed it.

so don't tell someone that they have to much on their plate when you only know half the story and don't live with them. i know what its like to suffer and all that jazz so are you going to tell me i don't need to own a guinea pig, rabbit, 2 budgies a cat and a beardie because i felt like breaking the necks of the budgies?? it's not for you to decide, its up to ash and if she feels that her inner self although not 100%, if she feels she can cope then let her be. i will always stand up for those that have mental health issues because i know what its like to be ridiculed and walked around like im broken eggshells.

Ash: hun, take no notice of her or other people and if you wanna chat just send me a pm, i get it. i dont understand your situation but i get that your not 100% im all eyes (ears figuratively speaking) i think only those that have experienced the worst should be able to make such comments. i hope your little girls are bringing you much happiness and are helping you on the way to feeling better mindfully, i know yoda has. its an amazing thing that animals big and small furry and scaly can do for us.
thanks for making me tear!! xD they bring ALOT of laughter i can tell you that!
no worries! we mental health peeps gotta stick together!! i was wanting a ferret call him sgt fuzzyboots (the big bang theory fan) but i have to wait for the place i want to buy/build when i have a decent paying job :(
i used to have a few ferrets one of my lil boys was called tiki and he used to hate men every time we let him out he would always nip guys ankles lol it was funny as i think he was a lil over protective of me :)
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