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stop taking her out of her enclosure and putting her in a feeding tub!!!!!!!!!!!!! feed her in her enclosure. All my snakes are fed in their enclosures and i have never had a problem with them wanting to bite me or whatever crap people might try fill ya head with
what do you think, should i try now after leaving her since monday?:)

Last time i checked a week from monday is monday the following week. Stop being so anxious about it. Your anxiousness to make it feed is exactly what's stopping it from feeding. Let her settle. I know its exciting but your not going to do it any good rushing things. If you wanted something to play with that will eat and never be fussed maybe you should get a puppy :D
im not anxious i just want her to bloody eat! haha but i didnt try lastnight cause when i looked at the time just after my comment it was it late.. haha but i will be trying today or tomorrow because im not doing anything bad.. and i know im not!:)

and im getting a puppy next week? got a problem with that?

stop taking her out of her enclosure and putting her in a feeding tub!!!!!!!!!!!!! feed her in her enclosure. All my snakes are fed in their enclosures and i have never had a problem with them wanting to bite me or whatever crap people might try fill ya head with

no one ever 'filled my head in with crap' mate! your obviously just judgemental.. it so she gets into a rotine and knows when its feeding time an i thought of that myself to see if it will work!(it didnt) but theres no harm in trying cause i know a crapload of people who do it!
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im not anxious i just want her to bloody eat! haha but i didnt try lastnight cause when i looked at the time just after my comment it was it late.. haha but i will be trying today or tomorrow because im not doing anything bad.. and i know im not!:)

and im getting a puppy next week? got a problem with that?

why bother asking for opinions when you already know all there is to know?

you may be doing more harm than you realise. but im not going to bother stating why or what as you already know everything.
I am with Thomassssss. I think the large enclosure may be stressing your snake out. Put it back in the smaller tub for a few days then try to feed. And yes, ease off the handling for a definitely stresses hatchlings.
stop taking her out of her enclosure and putting her in a feeding tub!!!!!!!!!!!!! feed her in her enclosure. All my snakes are fed in their enclosures and i have never had a problem with them wanting to bite me or whatever crap people might try fill ya head with

I agree fully. Do not use a feeding tub at all. I have never used one in 40 years of keeping and breeding snakes , and i can always get a snake to eat. They eat in their environment . You take the food to her , not her to the food .
I agree fully. Do not use a feeding tub at all. I have never used one in 40 years of keeping and breeding snakes , and i can always get a snake to eat. They eat in their environment . You take the food to her , not her to the food .
Move Mohamad to the mountain.
haha calm down guys i was joking, i wanted to see what yous would say and i got what i thought lol but yeah next time i try to feed i will be trying in her enclosure cause the click-clack didnt work and i will be feeding her monday, just hopefully she eats, if she doesnt ive already got another click clack setup for her to stay in fully till she gets abit bigger, cause i know they can last 9months well sorry i think that what i seen in a different thread:)
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You should take the advise here CantBeatALBINOS, its meaningful. Everyone's intentions are good if a little frustrated because what they're trying to get you to understand is, leaving the snake alone for a good solid week without holding her or shoving your face up against the glass is the only way she is going to settle. Why on earth would she eat if she doesn't feel secure? Once a snake feeds, they're lethargic and bloated, all they want to do is curl up in a safe place, to digest their meal in peace. She won't eat because she hasn't got a sense of security. Also, changing her from her normal tub to a feeding one, will just either stress her or spike her interest in the new smells rather than feeding. It's an unproven theory about the "feeding tub" method, if the snake is going to bite- it is. It's a part of keeping these creatures. You've said yourself she's tagged you once or twice, so what's the big deal?

I know how terribly exciting it is to have a new herp, but you have to put her needs first. It should be your first priority to get her settled and feeding before the self gratification of handling her.

Noone is attacking you. We just want what's best for the snake and the experience you will get out of this.

You should take the advise here CantBeatALBINOS, its meaningful. Everyone's intentions are good if a little frustrated because what they're trying to get you to understand is, leaving the snake alone for a good solid week without holding her or shoving your face up against the glass is the only way she is going to settle. Why on earth would she eat if she doesn't feel secure? Once a snake feeds, they're lethargic and bloated, all they want to do is curl up in a safe place, to digest their meal in peace. She won't eat because she hasn't got a sense of security. Also, changing her from her normal tub to a feeding one, will just either stress her or spike her interest in the new smells rather than feeding. It's an unproven theory about the "feeding tub" method, if the snake is going to bite- it is. It's a part of keeping these creatures. You've said yourself she's tagged you once or twice, so what's the big deal?

I know how terribly exciting it is to have a new herp, but you have to put her needs first. It should be your first priority to get her settled and feeding before the self gratification of handling her.

Noone is attacking you. We just want what's best for the snake and the experience you will get out of this.

Very well put except the part about self gratification whilst holding your snake.
Maybe let it sleep in a drawer with some some nice warm blankets. I've heard somewhere that they really like that and it can have a positive influence on its happiness and encourages good behavior...
You should take the advise here CantBeatALBINOS, its meaningful. Everyone's intentions are good if a little frustrated because what they're trying to get you to understand is, leaving the snake alone for a good solid week without holding her or shoving your face up against the glass is the only way she is going to settle. Why on earth would she eat if she doesn't feel secure? Once a snake feeds, they're lethargic and bloated, all they want to do is curl up in a safe place, to digest their meal in peace. She won't eat because she hasn't got a sense of security. Also, changing her from her normal tub to a feeding one, will just either stress her or spike her interest in the new smells rather than feeding. It's an unproven theory about the "feeding tub" method, if the snake is going to bite- it is. It's a part of keeping these creatures. You've said yourself she's tagged you once or twice, so what's the big deal?

I know how terribly exciting it is to have a new herp, but you have to put her needs first. It should be your first priority to get her settled and feeding before the self gratification of handling her.

Noone is attacking you. We just want what's best for the snake and the experience you will get out of this.

hey i am listening to everyones advice and i thank them or commenting but i dont think you saw my last comment before writing that haha

and about the feeding tub to im not! doing that cause of biting, as you said ive been tagged before, i wanted to get her into a routine of getting out, getting in and eating sort of thing but i suppose i could just like feed every monday(if she feeds then) at a certain time and after awhile she'll hopefully learn that that is feeding time:)

Maybe let it sleep in a drawer with some some nice warm blankets. I've heard somewhere that they really like that and it can have a positive influence on its happiness and encourages good behavior...

how would she breathe and it wouldnt be escape proof aye?:)
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haha calm down guys i was joking, i wanted to see what yous would say and i got what i thought lol but yeah next time i try to feed i will be trying in her enclosure cause the click-clack didnt work and i will be feeding her monday, just hopefully she eats, if she doesnt ive already got another click clack setup for her to stay in fully till she gets abit bigger, cause i know they can last 9months well sorry i think that what i seen in a different thread:)

these sort of "jokes" won't win you any fans and you'll find that people will start to ignore your posts.

hey i am listening to everyones advice and i thank them or commenting but i dont think you saw my last comment before writing that haha

and about the feeding tub to im not! doing that cause of biting, as you said ive been tagged before, i wanted to get her into a routine of getting out, getting in and eating sort of thing but i suppose i could just like feed every monday(if she feeds then) at a certain time and after awhile she'll hopefully learn that that is feeding time:)

how bout getting her in to a routine of feeding before you worry about the other (imo opinion unnecessary) routine.
im not anxious i just want her to bloody eat! haha but i didnt try lastnight cause when i looked at the time just after my comment it was it late.. haha but i will be trying today or tomorrow because im not doing anything bad.. and i know im not!:)

and im getting a puppy next week? got a problem with that?

in no way am i having a go at you at all in any of my replies, that wasn't the intention.
if you know your not doing any wrong then why isnt she eating and why are you asking advice? you want her to eat really badly, why? im curious if its not anxiousness to see her eat then what is it?

haha calm down guys i was joking, i wanted to see what yous would say and i got what i thought lol but yeah next time i try to feed i will be trying in her enclosure cause the click-clack didnt work and i will be feeding her monday, just hopefully she eats, if she doesnt ive already got another click clack setup for her to stay in fully till she gets abit bigger, cause i know they can last 9months well sorry i think that what i seen in a different thread:)

why would you intentionally stir the pot when your asking for advice? as mentioned in another thread one of the biggest frustrations with giving newbies advice is when they throw it back at you and argue. i assume your familiar with the boy who cried wolf? one day your going to really need advice and no ones going to bother which may come at the cost of your albinos life..

by the sounds of your posts and you joining the forum far before getting the snake (which i applaud for putting in the effort) you've read far too much info and tried to take it all in as fact. there's millions of pages that will tell you contradicting things. you have to be aware of the articles you read and the credibility of the writer before you take on board the information..
these sort of "jokes" won't win you any fans and you'll find that people will start to ignore your posts.

how bout getting her in to a routine of feeding before you worry about the other (imo opinion unnecessary) routine.

um out of 428 people who've seen this or whatever im pretty sure some ingnore me anyways.. im 15.. the whole point of me commenting still is for advice, and the one time i try and be a for a joke i get crap or it? it says in my comment i was trying to get her into the routine of eating.. just in a different way!
and i know she's not eating cause all the stress ive said that before aswell.

and i want to see her eat cause i dont know if she will being in the enclosure she's in(that's why i was using a click clack for feeding) but when i try monday i just hope she eats cause i think i should say not doing anything wrong.

i have to ask to is it okay to mist her tank with water atm or should i wait and if i do spray her tank how much would you's do it or whatever? because my dad has a mareeba python and he doesnt even mist her tank at all an she sheds fine and eats fine:)
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Where did you get the misting Darwin's info from? as far as I know general humidity should be fine in most areas. Someone correct me if I'm ill-informed.

And where has this routine feeding idea come from? The routine as such is more so the owner I believe. A snake won't get into a routine of being fed at 5 pm every Monday. Its not going to sit there waiting for dinner. The routine of the owner offering feeds at intervals for health and general tracking of what gets fed and when and being able to archive progress. I could offer food at any time and my snakes will take it.

also when we say a week alone thats a general rule and she still may not eat on Monda. y. It could take 8 weeks for her to feed. Its judged case by case
Stop moving her. Stop fretting. Stop changing things. Stop trying to feed her. Stop handling her.

She is only little, she has just had a big change of habitat and she is probably scared. Just leave her alone for a little while and let her adjust. She is in a cage she isn't familiar with and she doesn't need any additional stress. She will eat in time, you just have to give her a chance to get used to her new home. Put her in a click clack or a size appropriate cage, give her heating and shelter and just leave her alone for a whole week or more. The advice everyone has given is very sound. You shouldn't be putting a hatchy in a feeding tub, it really doesn't make too much of a difference because they will bite when hungry or when stressed and hatchies are always stressed. Feed her in her enclosure that she has been comfortable in, you have to let her believe she is a predator and confident enough to take down her prey. Don't worry about misting either, heat source and a waterbowl will do fine for now whilst she is settling in. Eventually you can give a very light mist with a spray bottle but it's not compulsory.

Listen to the advice you are given and enjoy watching her for the week.
i got the misting idea from the internet and a few people i know and believe it or not but my mates bredli every friday sits on her thermostat waiting for her feed at a certain time:)
and i have ocd so haha that should explain the feed routine

and i havent moved anything or anything like that except change her water since monday and yeah the advice is deffiantely good!
and yeah basically from here on i just try and feed monday then the monday after that and i wont be holding her untill she eats:)
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