It could be a number of things... Ambient temps, type of food, the move/change in environment.
Different Snakes will react different to everything. As the examples below explain:
My Pythons still fed after a 900k or so move...
Yet since I've moved the bigger MD and Jungle out into the shed and it's Winter. They've stopped eating.
Bigger MD was starting to go off food even when she was inside, so I don't think the move had anything to do with it.
Jungle did take a Weaner Rat after the move. Down the cool end of the enclosure. But lately wont take anything.
Still regulates his/her body temperature, so I'm not sure if it's to do with the move or that Winter is well and truly here.
Smaller MD that is still inside (and even after putting him in a slightly bigger enclosure) is eating fine.
Little MD hasn't touched Rats since December. Will smash down Quails and Chicks fine.
Have tried everything to get him back onto Rats but it just isn't happening.
My new Coastals are eating fine for the most part.
Got them at the end of June and offered food up about a week later.
They have a heat mat and light. Heat mat is on the whole time but the light is only on from 8am to 4pm.
Temperature can still drop to 20 at night. Is around 30 - 33 during the day.
Obviously the move nor Winter is having an impact on them.