Not Pooing, Please Help!

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2008
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My 3 year old beardie has not done her business since last friday, thats 5 days and i am really worried, tonight she didn't even seem to want to be picked up which is very strange for her, her belly is not as soft as normal either, is there anything i can do to help her, i am ringing the vet in the morning, but untill then??

any help would be greatly appreciated, i am so worried about her

Obviously a visit to the vet is the best option but for tonight you could try giving her a soak in a SHALLOW warm bath.
Several months ago my Murray Darling was constipated and a warm bath did the trick no worries.
Is she eating Kristy? My adults have all gone off their food because they are brumating so maybe that could be why. You don't eat much then you don't poo much:lol:
she is eating, thats what is worrying me, its all going in and nothing is comming out. i have just given her a bath for about 20min in warm water, i can feel a lump in her belly which is not normally there, i have put her in an inside cage, as she is usually outside, but has been inside for almost a week now so couldn't have eaten anything. i gave her fruit today to try to loosen things up but so far nothing, i have a heat light on her now as well, try and warm things up to moving
Definately keep her warm & hopefully that will help, try soaking her again in the morning. Good luck
You said you brought her inside recently - is there a difference in the texture of the substrate between the enclosures?

Some can be fussy about what they will poo on. Maybe try changing that to something more like what she's used to outside and see if it makes a difference?

If that doesn't help I'd get onto the vet.

Hope she gets better mate!
thanks all, she just looks uncomfortable, inside she is on newspaper, which she has been on a few times with no problems, and thats why i put her back out today, i thought she might like it better but no good. maybe i am just panicing over nothing, but i lost her sister last week, just woke up and found her dead, no reason, no symptons, nothing, and i am going away on sat for 2 weeks so my sisters will be looking after her, so i really need to know she is going to be ok :(
sounds like it might be compaction. as others have said try bathing it in warm water and massaging its gut, hope this helps free her up. but please see a vet. also check that the enclosure temperature is warm enough and your not feeding to big of insects
With her sister that died, did the vet find anything re weeds etc? Are your temps as high inside as they were outside - about the 35-38 basking site (these are grown beardies & not juveniles aren't they?)
If the warm bath didn't help, try a little bit of olive oil or the likes in a syringe just to help loosen things up, & keep the temps on longer tonight.
Hope she's alright, u must be out of your head what with the other one & all.
Giving her a bit of apple sauce will help. Also things like lettuce to try and help induce diarrhea could help.
the vet and i went through everything, weeds, plants, everything, couldn't find anything, i didnt do an autopsy as i buried her before i had time to actually think, heat of the moment i guess, i don't think this is the same though because there were no symptons with her, she was fine one moment and dead the next, so we came down to it being one of those things, maybe she just ate some stray bug or something. as for feeding this one, she has only had a few med size woodies, she usually eats a lot larger, i just couldn't catch them this week, she has had a heat light on morning and evenings, and its still pretty warm here through the day. so i just don't know, she will be going to the vet tomorrow. thats for sure, i couldn' bare to loose her to.
apart from the apple sauce & salad ideas, don't attempt to feed her any more live food until u get her seen to. Let us know - Kathy
couldnt have since her last poo, she has been on newspaper since last wed, and she pooed on fri, so i don;t think so, unless it was still in her system before i put her on newspaper, but could she poo and not poo it out?
poo tends to take a few days to make its way thru, like if i feed butternut pumpkin on a saturday poo wont show butternut colour till tues/wed,... so if she was on gravel till the wednesday and pooed on the friday there might still be something stuck,...

get as much fluid into her as u can, dilute some juice with water (about 1 part juice to 4 parts water, het flavour will entice her to drink,..) my big girls generally drink 8-10mls in 1 sitting.

then keep her warm, microwaved rice packs for her to sleep on overnight seem to work wonders.

then the next morning a warm bath,, deep enough to swim in (but stay with her) soak her fro 10 mins, get her to swim for 30 secs or so, then more soaking and more swimming and the combination of the pressure of the fluids and the exercise should get something moving,...GENTLY massage along the dragons right hand side, from halfway down her body moving towards the vent, that also helps stimulate the bowels,....

if its a really really bad impaction the vet can always operate,....
hi all, just thought id give an update. i was away for two weeks and my sisters were looking after my dragons, in that time she didn't poo once, only the one before i left that the vet had to "make" come out, so they spent the time going to and from the vet trying everything, she das really slowed down in eating now as well, the vet did everything from ultrasounds and x rays and nothing showed up, so i am assuming that she has just gone in to burrmation, she hasn't eaten since i got home which was on the weekend, and spends most of her time sleeping in the darkest point of her make shift cage!

i still have a heat lamp on her but not a uv light as she is in a temp cage not her outside pit. should i set up a uv light? last year she self burmated in the outside pit, but with everything else this year i am not sure i want to put her back out there just yet, and as she isn't moving room isn't an issue, what do people think? should i leave her in the temp cage and with or without lights?

thanks all,

i don't think she wants to poo, there is no lump in her belly or anything
It just clears it up. I know i found that out on my bhp but in the end she was consipated.
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