Sick beardies generally go off their food, if she is eating well I wouldn't be so concerned, take into account the time of year, digestion may take a little longer.
she has stopped eating now, but only in the last week, was eating small amounts up until then, but had stoped eating her apple and just ate the salad, usually she eats the apple and leaves the salad, so that could explain her not having anything to poo i guess, hopefully she is just going in to burmation!
Well at this time of year that would be my first guess, personally, I have never bothered to check defication.... but I can tell you my male hasn't done any for the last month or so, as he has buried himself and I doubt I'll see him for another month yet... my girls are still in semi awake mode, I only try to feed them once a week, and they only eat occasionally.
yeah i think that is what is happening, i think i am just being over paranoid because i lost the othe one so suddenly with no warning or symptons or anything, i keep thinking if they were in their pit i wouldn't have any real idea if they were pooing enough or not anyway, do you keep your lights on or turn them off? i have heat still but no uv. but have been putting her out on the weekends
They are heated daylight hours only (year round) and reduced to 6 - 7 hours heat in winter from 9 - 10 hours summer. I personally don't bother with UV lights myself, but each to their own.