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Waterrat, if you have to close up shop...then you are the looser!! This is why people can haggle price, some will negotiate other wont....people will search for what is best for them!
Steve, you can walk out on me any time and I couldn't care less. My "product" as you put, is worth what it's worth to me - not to you. If everybody walks out on me just because I don't give them discount, than I close the shop and start doing something else. Who is going to be the looser in the end?

No you dont get it you only think it is worth the price you ask until that price is achieved it is worth nothing to nobody. And I never walk out on people thats rude i walk away from the purchase if I think the seller has placed more value in the product than its worth
Steve, you can walk out on me any time and I couldn't care less. My "product" as you put it, is worth what it's worth to me - not to you. If everybody walks out on me just because I don't give them discount, than I close the shop and start doing something else. Who is going to be the looser in the end?
Your spot on,depending on what the `so called product`is,i would rather quality over a Made in Taiwan crap,so to speak...When it comes to someones will pay what you think is a reasonable price,if were talking abouts snakes...then quality is better than your standard...and nearly everyone wants quality these days......MARK
My experience is that people are more interested in service, garantees and information; than they are in price. In the long term that causes less problems for both buyer and seller.
Waterrat, if you have to close up shop...then you are the looser!! This is why people can haggle price, some will negotiate other wont....people will search for what is best for them!

Luckily, there are many who search for quality, not just the best price. Why would I be the looser if shut the shop? I will never get rid of my animals or stop having interest in herpetology, I will simply scale the breeding down and stop selling the offspring. I am prepared to lower my prices to some degree but I will not lower my standards to make bargain hunters happy.
Luckily, there are many who search for quality, not just the best price. Why would I be the looser if shut the shop? I will never get rid of my animals or stop having interest in herpetology, I will simply scale the breeding down and stop selling the offspring. I am prepared to lower my prices to some degree but I will not lower my standards to make bargain hunters happy.

My sentiments exactly !!!

No.1...I care for my animals and care where they end up (perhaps too much)

Sandee :)
The tyre kicking debate although applicable in reps is an issue everywhere. I buy and sell a lot of goods online via ebay etc. Approx 80% of items I ask questions on I buy. The other 20% did not meet my requirements or postage etc was too high etc.

If I represent an average shopper then 20% of my enquiries wont lead through with a sale. This is something sellers have to understand. As a reptile seller you cant expect a 100% success rate on your goods from enquiries..unless your reputation and bloodline deem that possible.

Until then, there is a lot of onus on sellers to get the information all in the initial ads...if you dont want timewasters and hagglers...put that in the sale information...then you can either choose to ignore or flame the timewasters/hagglers.

However, I am very much like Fay...unless the product is a "must have" or it is a unique one then EOI is a real offputter to me. If breeeders dont want to advertise their price then I tend to think they will charge what the buyer(sucker) will think it is worth.

I would ask those who dont want timewasters to ask themselves 2 questions...

1. is my ad clear in all details (breed of reptile, dob, sex, pics of parents and reptile for sale) as well as your list of No's (no haggling, no timewasters, no extra pics etc)

2. Is my bloodline of stock so good and my reputation so well known that I can expect to convert every single enquiry into a sale? This one would be very hard for most apart from a few select breeeders.

Until then we need some tyrekickers...It is a necessary you choose to deal with them is ultimately up to the individual. I like to think if I am polite but firm with tyrekickers that at some other time they will reconsider me...but if I am rude to them not only will I definitiley lose 1 potential sale...but potentially 10 others as they will tell 10 friends about their bad experience.
Standards should never be lowered, but you can only sell a product if a person is willing to pay for it. If you shut up shop then you are no longer making money from you business or hobby and buyers go elsewhere. Some breeders do offer quality at a reasonable price, if you know the value of an item, then thats the price to which you negotiate.
Luckily, there are many who search for quality, not just the best price. Why would I be the looser if shut the shop? I will never get rid of my animals or stop having interest in herpetology, I will simply scale the breeding down and stop selling the offspring. I am prepared to lower my prices to some degree but I will not lower my standards to make bargain hunters happy.

I want top quality of anything at the best price, just because i want something cheaper does not mean i want it inferior
try this link
It boils down to if you dont ! or cant ! accept time wasters
then dont breed

I agree 100% Gozz.

How many people do you think walk through the doors of JB HIFI (just an example) just to have a look at how much crap they MIGHT like to buy in the future. You get time wasters in just about every aspect of buying and selling.
I want top quality of anything at the best price, just because i want something cheaper does not mean i want it inferior

I agree Steve. However, if the top quality breeders shut their shops, we would be left with desperados who would sell anything for any price just to pay their last week's rent. There are plenty of them in the market already.
Appreciate and respect quality while it's there. Just look around you - all the Chinese crap - it's rare to see a product made elsewhere.
We should differentiate between pair of shoes and a live snake (native one lol), they are not the same "product".
I will pay for good product, but not always what the breeder thinks is the right price, there are many small breeders that are concerned with locality and purity of lines!
I agree Steve. However, if the top quality breeders shut their shops, we would be left with desperados who would sell anything for any price just to pay their last week's rent. There are plenty of them in the market already.
Appreciate and respect quality while it's there. Just look around you - all the Chinese crap - it's rare to see a product made elsewhere.
We should differentiate between pair of shoes and a live snake (native one lol), they are not the same "product".

business principals apply to all businesses
I will pay for good product, but not always what the breeder thinks is the right price, there are many small breeders that are concerned with locality and purity of lines!

I know there are, I know quite a few of them. It's your choice whom you go to.
as much as it is my choice whom I sell to and if nobody buys from me ....... so be it!

Ah, it's time for a sundowner, enough of this.

This thread started as a discussion about time wasting during the buying/selling process. It has turned into an argument about whether sellers SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be prepared to lower their prices, and at the end of the day, that is an individual choice.
I have a price in my head that I would like to achieve when selling something... I would either advertise that price, or slightly higher, to leave room for hagglers. If selling to a friend or family member, I would probably be willing to accept less... but they are just my standards, and I wouldn't expect the same guidelines from another seller.

Comments have been made about it being a 'buyer's world.' I think this kind of mentality is what gets us into trouble as a society. We all got very cocky about our financial stability in this country... The banks threw credit cards at everyone, and people started living well above their means... Now look at the state of things! 10-15 years ago, in retail (which is a great example) it was almost unheard of to haggle over a ticketed price (in this country). If you walked into Dick Smith, or a boutique style shop, they would let you walk out if you didn't want to pay ticket price, and the only time a discount applied was if you were taking a display item.

Then the discount stores came along! Chandlers, Good Guys, the list goes on. All of a sudden, products appear on the shelves at several hundred dollars below Recommended Retail Price. The reason these retail giants do this (lose money in the short term) is so they can accumulate as much market share as they can. The more they sell, the cheaper they buy the product for, and the bigger their rebates become from the supplier. But there comes a point where you condition the public to expect TOO MUCH... Now, if people are offered 15% off, they want MORE. If a 25% off storewide sale is advertised, they want MORE! Eventually, there is not enough margin left in the products, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is when shortcuts and sacrifices in production and quality begin... After a period of time, you end up with a far inferior standard of product, because of greed.

And none of that is the buyer's fault. They are simply acting upon what they have been conditioned to act! It is the seller's fault. And that is why sellers need to be wary about slashing their prices. The reason GTP's and Albinos, and Rough Scaled Pythons, and every 'rare' species take a price dive, is not as a result of the buyer's 'getting their way.' It is a result of impatient sellers trying to gain market share. It is the exact same principle. One guy drops his GTP prices, and then another, and another, and before you know it, everyone has to drop prices to be competitive... It's a vicious cycle.

Prices will continue to drop, because desperate people will undercut the market so they can make a quick buck, and the other breeders will have to lower prices simply to have a shot at selling their stock... And in the very long run, the hobby will suffer for it.

Food for thought.
While I do not sell reptiles I do own my own retail business and the principals are the same, we buy and source products and we sell them, for us it is simple, something costs A + the cost of frieght + the cost to keep this product in top condition + taxes and other costs (it cost us approx $350 per day in running costs) we know what each item costs and we need to make some money also, we have different percentage increase for different products from around 20% to 80% this depends on market for each product percentage of time each product is going to sit on the shelf etc.
Breeding animals is the same principal, there has to a limit to cover the cost associated plus a selling at price which is reasonable, it is no use selling an animal for $400 when i can get a similar animal next door for $250. There a lots of factors involved in why the the $400 animal may be worth $400 , service, reputation, anad ease of purchase, but people are willing to sacrifice service for price, which is why Big W, K Mart, Target etc are always full while smaller specialty shops are struggling, even though the smaller shops are noramally more than competitive with the larger chain stores.
I have many customers who are "time wasters" however I offer them the same level of service that I offer to some one who wishes to spend $1000. We do not discount often, normally on multiple purchases or we throw something extra in to seal the deal. Certain products we do not offer any discounts at all because our percentage is so small.

There are a good percentage of people are willing to pay for better quality products, I love these customers the genuine ones who listen to my advice and have done their own research.

However 40% of my customers are just after advice or "wasting time" unfortunately I cannot sit at the door and directing people away who are only coming in to waste my time, even these people have friends that they may be able to send in my direction, if i just ignore them after I figure they are just wasting my time, when they do want to buy something they may not come back.

We offer our customers the best service at the best price around yet we still lose customers, even when they seem very interested in our products, we often order in products for people who we never see again. these people do not come back to say sorry we found a product that suited my needs or fitted my budget better. I know it would be nice if people did but it is not going to happen.

Being a retail store we also now have to compete against online stores. A bsic description and picture of something is never going to compare to being able to walk into a store and pick something up and getting advice from someone and hav e them show you how use it properly or listen to what you need and maybe offer something better, that type of service just cannot be offered by and email exchange (if your online store offers anyservice). then when the product you get is not really what you want, but at least it was cheap, must of been it was online they are always cheaper then retail. (slightly hypocritical as we are converting our business to include online stores)

people will only buy what they can afford but you cannot right anyone off as a time waster just becuase you get a gut feeling, when they get a friend who is serious about getting a reptile they will say don't go to such and such they wouldn't even answer any of my questions and they were way to expensive, if you offer them good service and be polite and friendly they may just say check this guy out, I wanted to get one from him and he seems like a great guy.
i'm only relatively new to the herp scene. last year i bought a great little black and yellow jungle. when i made enquiries, the person i got my jungle from showed my his collection including the parents of my hatchy.
he was not the cheapest jungle i saw however the service was unmatched to say the least. my jungle came with enclosure, 20 frozen mice, facts care sheet, the contact phone numbers of the seller with the invitation to call if i had any concerns and i even received 2 calls with in the first month after getting the jungle to make sure all was going well!!
so impressed with the experience, i was, this season i am getting a 2nd jungle and an albino darwin.
i wondered at first why this guy rarely advertises now i know why. he will be my first choice for future additions.
you get what you pay for i say
While l can pay full price for what l want , not haggling would take the fun out of it . lf they wont bargain there is always someone else that will . l have walked away from overpricing and found BETTER quality , cheaper . Just to really upset you , the hatchies l breed that l dont want to keep for my breeding program , l GIVE to friends or family . Then offer some for sale very cheaply - 100 / 150 , [ ONO ] . The rest go to a petshop .
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