OPINIONS SOUGHT - Agitated Childrens Python

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Jun 13, 2009
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I have a 15 year old Childrens Python. It has never had any serious health issues and always been a good feeder.

About 3 months ago it had difficulty shedding. I took it to a vet who applied a solution to the skin which fixed the problem, He said the snake was in otherwise good health and the shedding problem was nothing to worry about.

Since then, the snake has become very agitated. It is overly sensitive toward any movement near the glass (it has never been this way before) and has started biting. In the entire time I've had the snake it has never bitten me until now. It is now back to shedding properly but taken to biting instead!

Does anybody have any ideas or suggestions?
may have been stressed?

Or maybe its just getting grumpy cause its old.. lol.

How long has it been since the vet trip?
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