Opmv ???????/

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Very Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2007
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Dose anyone know if opmv exists in our wild snakes or is it just in captivity

Cheers Lewys
I know antibodies to strains 1 and 7 have been identified in wild animals from South East Queensland. My understanding of all this is a little limited - I believe having antibodies means they have been exposed to it but not necessarily carriers of the virus.
This disease would have to be great incentive to NOT release captive animals. How will our animals ever be safe if this disease escapes to the wild (if it hasn't already), and what would it do do the wild fauna.
There's no evidence saying it wasn't here to start with...these diseases don't just miraculously appear out of nowhere.
It exists in both wild and captive species.

Much more common in captive species though.

Some vets believe it is on the increase in Victoria.
Dose anyone know if opmv exists in our wild snakes or is it just in captivity

Cheers Lewys

No one really knows. In Australia OPMV is almost a generic term. Testing may reveal "sign consistant with OPMV" which does not mean the animal has OPMV. As I understand it there are various strains of the virus known and may well be more discoverred. Less than 1 in a million wild snakes are tested for the virus so its unlikely it would be found if it is there. In the wild dead animals dont last long and so are not available for autopsy.
It may well be that OPMV is just part of the cycle of life and death in the wild, but due to the extensive stocking density of snakes in the wild relative to in captivity such diseases may not be a significant problem.
Ok cool thanks every one who has given a littel in put on this I only ask as we are starting to get a few snakes around our area now as the weather is getting wetter

Thought it would be a good topic to ask about

Cheers Lewy
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