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Oh ok, just a thought anyway, I will have a care sheet for when you have it readY?how much would you sell the hatchlings?As i will be getting a m+f when i get mine.

Price will depend on how many I get and what the market is doing.
ATM they are around the $250 each mark, but I will sell a bit cheaper as I dont have the room to keep heaps of hatchlings with high prices on them. Once they are feeding and well astablished, the will be sold asap.
That is for Pythons, they allow reptiles from our species list apart from Pythons, with turtles you must get detailed photos of their whole entire body and head ect ect.
I have checked and stuff, As a few weeks back i emailed them and asked if we were allowed to frieght any reptiles from over east to WA, then they replied back saying you may import Any of the lizards or turtles on our species list to WA, With turtles you must get detailed pictures of its body, NO python shall be imported into WA.

In order to import reptiles you firstly require a keeping licence, I will e-mail that info separately.

You may import all animals appearing below EXCEPT Pythons. There is a blanket ban on all species of python entering Western Australia from overseas and ALL states & territories of Australia . The reason for the import ban is due to the risks associated with the transmission of "Boid IBD" (Inclusion Body Disease). Even those pythons appearing below are NOT permitted to enter Western Australia . Only pythons purchased from Western Australia-based Dealers can be kept in this state.

Category 1 No species.
Category 2
Egernia napoleonis South-Western Crevice Egernia
Gehyra variegata Tree Dtella
Heteronotia binoei Binoe’s Gecko
Litoria caerulea Northern Green Tree Frog
Litoria moorei Western Green Tree Frog
Pogona minor minor Western Bearded Dragon
Strophurus ciliaris Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko
Strophurus spinigerus South-west Spiny-tailed Gecko
Tiliqua multifasciata Centralian Bluetongue
Tiliqua occipitalis Western Bluetongue
Tiliqua rugosa rugosa Bobtail

Category 3
Antaresia stimsoni Stimson’s Python
Chelodina oblonga Oblong Tortoise
Ctenophorus reticulatus Western Netted Dragon
Egernia kingii King Skink
Litoria splendida Magnificent Tree Frog
Morelia spilota imbricata South-western Carpet Python
Nephrurus levis Three-lined Knob-tailed Gecko
Oedura marmorata Marbled Velvet Gecko
Underwoodisaurus milii Thick-tailed Gecko
Varanus caudolineatus Stripe-tailed Pygmy Monitor
Category 4

Aspidites melanocephalus Black-headed python
Aspidites ramsayi Woma Python
Chelodina steindachneri Flat-shelled Turtle
Chlamydosaurus kingi Frilled Lizard
Heleioporus albopunctatus Western Spotted Frog
Lophognathus longirostris Long-nosed Ta-ta Dragon
Varanus acanthurus Ridge-tailed Monitor
Varanus brevicauda Short-tailed Pygmy Monitor
Varanus tristis tristis Black-tailed Monitor

Category 5
Acanthopis antarcticus Southern Death Adder
Acanthopis pyrrhus Desert Death Adder
Acanthopis wellsi Pilbara Death Adder
Liasis olivaceus Olive Python
Notechis scutatus Tiger Snake
Pseudechis australis Mulga Snake
Pseudechis butleri Spotted Mulga Snake
Pseudonaja affinis affinis Dugite
Pseudonaja nuchalis Gwardar
Varanus gouldii Gould’s Monitor
Varanus rosenbergi Southern Heath Monitor

If you wish to import Chelonids then the only 2 species that may be imported and kept in WA are Chelodina oblonga and Chelodina steindachneri (as per list above). Before importing either of these 2 species you need to email me photographs of the animal so that identification can be confirmed. Please send me images of the turtle's top (i.e. top view of shell), bottom (belly, underside), side view & face/head image. Once I have confirmed the turtle's identification I can forward you an import application form and you can then obtain an export permit from the state or territory you are departing. When you arrive in WA you will be required to present the animals in order to establish their precise identification.
Please find import application form (with fees listed) attached. An export permit is firstly required from the state or territory from where the animal is departing.
Unless being imported, reptiles and amphibians may only be purchased from licensed Dealers in WA. They may not be sourced from snake catchers (i.e. licensed Takers) or breeders (i.e. licensed Farmers). I have e-mailed the current list of Dealers to you separately.


Adrian Coleman
Nature Protection Branch
Department of Environment & Conservation
Locked Bag 104, BDC,
Western Australia, 6983
Phone : (08) 9423 2433
Fax : (08) 9423 2278
E-mail :

From: Chris Douglas []
Sent: Tuesday, 16 September 2008 8:21 PM
To: Coleman, Adrian
Subject: Reptiles
there you go, lol thought i should post it, just incase i may of read it wrong, or my words in my post didnt make sence before :)

Ok, You can get Frillies imported from the east.
If you dont have any by the time mine breed and your still after one,
I will make sure I keep one aside for you.
They get snapped up quickly, Ive already got enough interest, that I wont have to advertise.

gem_vegemitegirl1awesome frillies andy! very cute :)

Thanks Gem, how are ya going?
there is a great care sheet at Can't link to it as it only goes to the front page but on the left menu there is a button for "Links & Care Sheets", click on that and the frillies are your 2nd option.
Im in the process of writing a care sheet for them.
Although it wont be ready for a while as it will cover every thing from raising a hatchling to breeding.

raising a hatchling to breeding care sheet sounds interesting Andy.
Be a good concept with other species as well, snakes or lizards I think.

So how long have you been into the frillies mate?
raising a hatchling to breeding care sheet sounds interesting Andy.
Be a good concept with other species as well, snakes or lizards I think.

So how long have you been into the frillies mate?

Hi Colin,
The main reason im in the process of doing a Frilled Neck care sheet.
Is that there isnt much info on them.
Also a lot of the info Ive read is out dated or just wrong or differant to what my hands on experiance has been.
In saying that, Ive been keeping reptiles for over 20 years and researching and studying frillies for about 5 years.
The care sheet will be 2 years in the making (only 4 pages into it ATM)(will be at least 12), with my detailed hands on experiance.

Cheers Andy.
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