poor old fella......

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Not so new Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia
Hi all,
Just wanted to post a couple of pics of an injured beardie a friend found up the nsw north coast. He had been hit by a car and was on the side of the highway.
Being a dragon owner and lover he brought it back with him ( although dropping it at a local WIRES would probably have been better, as I am in the Blue Mountains) and asked if I could help the poor dragon. To be honest, I didn`t give him much hope. It first looked like he had lost his left eye, and his lower jaw looked pretty busted up.
None the less, I took him to the local vet. X rays were taken, the back part of his bottom jaw was fine, it was the front of his lower jaw that was in a bad way. The vet gave me a course of antibiotics to give him, and i gently washed the blood and wounds in saline each day.
Feeding was soo hard, having to actually force feed him a blended mix of veges and crushed crickets. Water was given by an eye dropper.
To my surprise, 4 weeks later, he still has to be hand fed and watered but will take food from my hand now, which is so much better as now he can let me know when he is full.
Being found on the coast he must be an Eastern beardie, although when he is calm goes a nice yellow colour.
I am hoping this big fella ends up eating by himself so he can be returned to the wild, although I will miss him. He has become really friendly; when he walks around the house if he sees me he will come over and sit on my shoe until i give him a scratch under his chin lol.
I am licensed; I keep Mountain dragons and have a proper setup for the beardie while he is with me. He is almost 22 inches long, big old majestic fella.
If anyone has any pointers on what else I can do to help this magnificent lizard on the road to rehabilitation please don`t hesitate to let me know.


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What are the laws about keeping injured reptiles?
Like if he never fully recovers, wont take food unless its hand fed, is there any way you can keep him?
Im sure if that was the case, he would be much better off in your care then in the wild where he could potentally die from starvation. Are there any laws here in NSW that give lisenced reptile keepers like ourselves those powers? Or must it be released to stop poaches etc. using the "oh it was injured and never recovered" excuse.

You're doing a great job, keep up the good work mate.
One very lucky bearded dragon
Having dragons yourself, I am sure you don't need to be advised to keep his temperatures up nice and warm for him. About 35c-40c would be ideal to get him mending. But of course, if he is immobile, be sure he doesn't cook under the heat of a light.

Usually for wildlife that are unfit to be released, National Parks will give the animal to the local Herpetology Club for them to decide who would be the best person to take on this animal. They will license it.
So the club could then put it in your pocession??
I've always wondered what the deal was there, whether the laws took into account the welfare of the injured animal, or wether it was strictly NO WILD REPTILES.
what a gorgeous fella!

good on ya for helping him out. :p
The club I think are suppose to take nominations and vote on who they thought was best for him, but if you're the only one with your hand up then you will be the chosen one. You will have to look into it from them, but I am pretty sure that is how goes, or it use to be, anyway.
thanks guys; geckolover hoping to do what mysnakesau has said about the local herp club; and I would be more than happy to keep him if he is still not eating by himself; and thanks for the advice mysnakesau, he seems to be thermo regulating ok moving about the enclosure he has such a great temperament too!
Just an update on how "Max" is going; he is eating well, going for good walks with me in the backyard, and seems to be doing well in general. One thing that has me worried is he won`t go near his food unless I am holding it for him. I tried leaving food with him for 2 days, he didn`t touch anything, then as soon as i held it for him he ate it. He still won`t chase crickets/ woodies, his eyesight is fine just don`t know why he won`t eat by himself. Any ideas or suggestions? I haven`t heard of this before. If I can get him eating himself he can be released he is well and truly strong enough now. Help!!
Well guys he is doing great; still having a little trouble at feeding time but he has just started running around the yard and displaying his mouth and beard. This is fantastic as besides being able to check out the progress of his healing mandible, he is getting back to his former glory. Was so excited I made a quick video to share with you all.
This experience has been one of the highlights of my life. It is indescribable to receive an animal that is on death`s door and nurture it back to good health, and the bond I share with Max is only comparable to the bond I have had with my favourite dog; RIP Jessie. And thank you APS members for your kind words and wise advice over the last few months.
Cheers everyone, and all the best for the new year!!!

Eastern Bearded Dragon rescued, got his mojo back!!!! - YouTube
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G8 work!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!

That should be GR8, not 'GATE' :p

Well done Dan. Our creatures are very lucky to have ppl like you, who care enough to help them along. Even if the beardy ends up showing no appreciation, we can forgive him because we know thats a great sign of good health returning.
great work hes looking good so far with any luck you will be able to keep him if he doesnt recover properly
pmsl, 'you look very scary', hahahahahahaha

great job on Max, i hope u get to keep him!! (but i also hope he fully recovers) argh, dilemma!!
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