Potential Clutch of Beardie Eggs!

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Jun 20, 2008
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Hey guys,

My female bearded dragon has had her head down a hole all morning and I'm hoping she's very close to laying a clutch of fertile eggs!

I have made an incubator out of a polystyrene box, aquarium heater, aquarium pump. It's also equip with a hydrometer and thermometer.

As I have never experienced this before, I'm after some tips/important things to look out for...

When should I remove the eggs from the sand?
I know that the temperature of the incubator should be roughly maintained in the high 20's, but what is the optimum humidity level?

It would be great if someone who has used this type of incubator successfully before could help me out!

Any info would be much appreciated!
Hey I'm making the same incubator and hoping my beardie will lay some eggs in about a week or so..I think the temp for beardie eggs is like 30-31 you could probably do it lower like 27-28 but may take longer and possibly could have lower success rate but like you I've never done it b4 so I'm no expert..I'd also like to know the answer to some of these questions and let me know how you go with the incubator,if it works well once you put the eggs in etc..=]
Looks like we are in the same boat Sofoula88, I'm just testing the incubator now. Temp is fine but humidity is at 99%!!! Think I'm gonna have to put some holes in the lid!
Yer def..I've made a big glass viewing window taking up most of the lid so I can see the eggs progressing,but there will def be alot of humidity esp coz of the water so to avoid too much condensation I'd put some holes in the top if u can,I might put mine on the sides..I think optimum humidity would be around 80% but I'm not 100% sure on that..but yet poke a few holes and see if the humidity reduces abit
Also dunno if u kno but u should keep an eye on the eggs and make sure the containers u put the eggs in have holes in them or else the water could gather up and drip onto the eggs and that could kill them..like I said I'm soo not an expert but seing as I'm hopefully expecting lol..I've been doing my research,so if u have any questions I might be able to help..but ye let me kno how everything goes,hopefully ur girl will lay soon =]
Hey guys, I've never used that kind of incubator, always used a hovabator. But have had many eggs through it over the years. Make sure you let the female lay ALL the eggs. I provide her with a blacked out laybox, so she feels comfortable to lay them in peace. They are ok in the substrate (sand/soil) for a few hours, but when ever you can gently mark the top of the eggs with a pencil so you keep the orientation the same as they were laid. Then place the eggs in little indentations in the vermiculite (mixed 1:1 with water by weight). I always have a lid with no holes in the container I have the verm in, but your setup is different, so holes or no lid at all might be ok. I like the humidity between 90-99%, but just make sure there is no water dripping on the eggs. Temperature is less stringent, but I prefer 28-29 degrees, but that will take a bit longer (say around 70-75 days usually). Good luck! :)
Thanks Greg, I might go cover her laybox better so she is more comfortable. Also is a hovabator a converter fridge incubator using a heat cord?

Thanks again Sofoula88, I'll keep you posted!
Hey a hovabator is a commercial use incubator u can buy,basically a poly box like ours just little bit more fancy,has everything already hooked up..
Hey guys,

My girl laid a clutch of 16 late afternoon yesterday! 5 of them look big, white and healthy the rest not so much but I have put them all in the incubator none the less!

Next clutch she lays I will put her in a bigger tub with a lot more substrate to lay in, I think she struggled for room and may have damaged some of her clutch trying to maneuver in and out of the hole.

Why does it have to take so long for them to hatch!!
Woo congratz..hopefully all or atleast most turn out an her 2nd clutch will be bigger and better =] good luck..let us kno how u go!
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