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Life isn't always hard, theres a 'billionaire student' in one of my classes at uni. Her daddy is very very rich, I doubt her life is hard.
obviously there will have to be a job on the side, the cafe job i have is in a small town (which is fine now- its where i live) but when i go to uni in sydney or brissy, i will need a bigger, better job and way of doing things...

i know that it sounds stupid and naive, a 15 yeaer old talking about herps putting him through uni... i know that herps is what i want to do, and i know its going to be a struggle, and i know that life is never easy, but i am going to try and make things work ...

sorry to get in a huff, but i hate people telling me that something cannot be done ...

Look... I'm sorry but I really don't think it'd work. Unless you have hundreds of herps breeding constantly and a self-sustaining form of electricity. :lol:
obviously there will have to be a job on the side, the cafe job i have is in a small town (which is fine now- its where i live) but when i go to uni in sydney or brissy, i will need a bigger, better job and way of doing things...

i know that it sounds stupid and naive, a 15 yeaer old talking about herps putting him through uni... i know that herps is what i want to do, and i know its going to be a struggle, and i know that life is never easy, but i am going to try and make things work ...

sorry to get in a huff, but i hate people telling me that something cannot be done ...

i agree! i hate it when people are like its to hard dont bother.
so, im going to get into a secure job, doing something else i like, eventually saving up the money and breeding, and then start it small make its bigger as i go.
The reptile business is on a downward slide at the moment... ask anyone in the big league, even those who have the money to invest thousands in high-end animals (and this is a MUST if you want to make it work...) - there is very little profit at the end of the day. You may be able to fluke some money if you accidentally breed a desirable morph that people want, but that is a chance in a lifetime (or less).

If you truly love reptiles, there is no better way to let them turn into the burden of your life than ending up being compelled to maintain hundreds of them, and cope with the huge ongoing costs (especially time, food and electricity), for no reasonable return.

And don't forget there is a finite clientele for an ever increasing number of animals. The number of buyers is being swamped by the number of animals already on the market - ask anyone who breeds bredli or jungles these days, or even chondros. It will be a continuing trend as breeding successes increase - there is a limit to how many animals the market can absorb.

Far more work than play...

I dont think reptile related businesses are thriving by any standards, its a hard area to get in on. Remember you dont make much money if any ( after your yearly cost's of keeping ) when you have common species, its only when you go into your higher end species or morphs that you can make money. The initial outlay is huge and you are still taking the risk that the pair you buy just might not breed for you. Also a good reputation goes a long way in this hobby and when going out on a limb to try and cash in on higher end snakes its very hard to move them. As people including myself would prefer to go through someone who's been in the game for a long time, has a good reputation and has good quality animals.
All in all i think keeping reptiles is always better to be a hobby than trying to make it into a career. If you can make enough money to cover your yearly costs and possibly buy a new snake then thats great in my opinion.
i agree! i hate it when people are like its to hard dont bother.
so, im going to get into a secure job, doing something else i like, eventually saving up the money and breeding, and then start it small make its bigger as i go.

i agree 100 % ! well i guess that makes sense, me agreeing with you agreeing with me :$
I agree with everyone who thinks this is a bad idea. Breeding reptiles for profit is a very risk business, unless you have a heap of money that is disposable. Just get a normal job, maybe work for a reptile petshop? That way you will be making money isntead of risking losing everything. I would suggest just keeping a few reptiles and keep it as a hobby, you can make a bit of extra cash without potentially ruining many years of your life. There are some around who have made lots of money, but that requires experience, plenty of money and/or illegally importing morphs.

You could get an engineering degree and make good enclosures and reptile products, you could make heaps of money from this as its a largely neglected area and you could also deal with the massive international market.
Not only that cris but you need to have good contacts and some reputation, not only money. The real top shelf animals are hard to source and their owners may not be wiling to sell to a newbie even if the offer is substantial.
Do a trade! I studied for 4 yrs doing engineering and now I have all my mates who have picked up a trade and making twice as much as me. All because there is such a shortage of skilled tradies in australia... so the qualified ones are asking whatever to get a job done... and the clients will pay it!!
Also gives the chance to do alot of cash job + tax benifits on the side
Not only that cris but you need to have good contacts and some reputation, not only money. The real top shelf animals are hard to source and their owners may not be wiling to sell to a newbie even if the offer is substantial.

Good point, i did mention experience, but i guess that doesnt automatically mean contacts. Everyone started without a reputation though, but starting out against others with 20+ years in business is a considerable disadvantage.
Just get a normal job, maybe work for a reptile petshop? That way you will be making money isntead of risking losing everything.

I was thinking maybe a vetranarian course, or engineering, something that will help people or animals ...
only thing i can say is stay at school finish year 12 i know from experience dropping out is not worth it i dropped out to earn good money in construction now everything is slow and the jobs i want to do now need gud grades n year 12 finish year 12 with gud grades n u can do watever job u want
not only that but you will develop hand and tool skills so you can make cool enclosures for your animals.
Do a trade! I studied for 4 yrs doing engineering and now I have all my mates who have picked up a trade and making twice as much as me. All because there is such a shortage of skilled tradies in australia... so the qualified ones are asking whatever to get a job done... and the clients will pay it!!
Also gives the chance to do alot of cash job + tax benifits on the side
im 15 and i already have my life planned out (i hope), i plan to become a field scientist on flaura and fauna so im looking in at trying to get into a good uni that runs biology and zoology co****s, the only reason I say this is because I have have always wanted to be out in the field with nature (luckly iam the top student in my science class-especially for bio).
but I have to disagree on starting a reptile based business, australia is still 15 years behind in the exotic pet trade industy and it wouldn't be a very smart choice on your behalf to open somthing up like that unless you were to be 100% sure that it would go somewhere
im 15 and i already have my life planned out (i hope), i plan to become a field scientist on flaura and fauna so im looking in at trying to get into a good uni that runs biology and zoology co****s, the only reason I say this is because I have have always wanted to be out in the field with nature (luckly iam the top student in my science class-especially for bio).
but I have to disagree on starting a reptile based business, australia is still 15 years behind in the exotic pet trade industy and it wouldn't be a very smart choice on your behalf to open somthing up like that unless you were to be 100% sure that it would go somewhere

We need more like you, if you are good at science you will get into any uni regardless of OP or other rubbish, you just have to do a colour the dots test for uni entry. I would have liked to have focused on this sort of thing in high school but it didnt seem realistic to me at the time (due to lack of jobs in the area) and other subjects were my priority (mainly beer and half as engineer).
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