Punkin Is In The House

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Active Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Woolgoolga 2456
Hi all, quick intro from me. I'm near Coffs Harbour NSW and have a couple of Bredli's and a Jungle Python.

My large guy (snake) is 7' or so and the middle guy (Whodat) a foot or so shorter. My little baby JP is called JP of course. The centralians are in a double tank i designed and had built inside my tiny house. They have views out the window behind them and can see the sky.


JP sits out in my 'lounge room' space next to the open front door. He loves showing off either on his log or on someones arm, beautiful affectionate guy he is.


There is of course, plenty of wild carpets, diamonds, green tree snakes, blacks and browns here. With a creek down the back i am often called on by the neighbours to relocate wild snakes that are in danger of being hurt where they are.


Happy to answer any questions and i'm off to pose one of my own i hope i can get some theories to.
Awesome pics! I mean all pics.:) Beautiful snakes you got there, how old are they?

Welcome to the forum!
Thankds mate. Not sure how old they are, i don't keep track of time very well.
The larger bredli i got from a breeder as a yearling, at about 2'. He's a good 7' now and i guess that was close to 3 years ago, maybe 2.5.
The smaller bredli is about 6 or 8 inches smaller, but it could be a different sex or was just not fed very well before i got it as it was a rescue, again at about 18" long.
Owned by two teenager brothers they made it strike repeatably for food and used to see how many times they could get it to strike them.

He is a genuine affectionate guy now and loves attention.

The jungle is my newest addition and i bought him from a breeder about this time last year i think. He was a tiny little snappy shoelace at the time, i had my doubts that i'd ever tame him.

Bit of love and patience and now i doubt he'd ever strike, loves being picked up from his tank and taken out.

Both bredli's are on large rats and the jp stretches himself just enough to swallow a small rat.

Probing intrudes an object into their body to determine their sex. I don't want to breed them, so would not pay someone to do that or risk their health learning to do it myself. Sorry if it sounded like the act of breeding was intrusive, it's the lead up i'm avoiding.

Each to their own, but i'm happy with little mysteries in my life.
Probing intrudes an object into their body to determine their sex. I don't want to breed them, so would not pay someone to do that or risk their health learning to do it myself. Sorry if it sounded like the act of breeding was intrusive, it's the lead up i'm avoiding.

Each to their own, but i'm happy with little mysteries in my life.
Who said you have to probe? That won’t change their sex
Hi all, quick intro from me. I'm near Coffs Harbour NSW and have a couple of Bredli's and a Jungle Python.

There is of course, plenty of wild carpets, diamonds, green tree snakes, blacks and browns here. With a creek down the back i am often called on by the neighbours to relocate wild snakes that are in danger of being hurt where they are.

View attachment 334214
Hi Punkin Head,

Mate, as you know we do get quite a variety of species of snakes around the Coffs Harbour area including most of all those you've listed but don't get Diamond Pythons (Morelia spilota spilota) around Coffs or Woopi. There's plenty of variable colour morphs of Coastal Carpets like the beauty in the above pic but you won't start to find Diamonds until you get down around Myall Lakes.

I've made some suggestions on your post regarding the wondering Bredli that might answer your question. And as you're probably already aware there are plenty of very experienced keepers and amateur herpetologist here if you need to know anything.


The Diamond Python Morelia spilota spilota (Lacépède 1804) is a colourful and distinctive python distributed along the eastern coast of Australia from East Gippsland north to near Coffs Harbour in NSW.

Diamond Python - Action Statement

https://www.environment.vic.gov.au › pdf_file › Di...


Guess i should stop listening to the govt.
Yep you should because whoever wrote that crap obviously knows jack s##t. And north to NEAR Coffs Harbour is NOT north to Coffs Harbour.
The Diamond Python Morelia spilota spilota (Lacépède 1804) is a colourful and distinctive python distributed along the eastern coast of Australia from East Gippsland north to near Coffs Harbour in NSW.

Diamond Python - Action Statement

https://www.environment.vic.gov.au › pdf_file › Di...


Guess i should stop listening to the govt.
definitley stop listening to the gubberment, I imported a Pygmy Banded Python from SA, it left SA as an Antaresia but by the time it got to Sydney it had changed into a Liasis. I wouldn't trust a boofocrat to put water in my radiator.
So don't believe the govt you say?

What about news reports?

View attachment 334273

With photographs.

View attachment 334274

Mate never believe what you hear in news reports or read in the news about snakes in general. Even a lot of the snake catchers they interview or quote get things wrong. If you want to know and learn about reptiles and snakes in particular talk to those that have been around the game for years and years. Just like a lot of the people on here including myself.

I've been involved with reptiles pretty much all of my 66 years, live in Bellingen and have undertaken field work privately and professionally, not just locally, but right across the country over a great many of those years. I've even authored species profiles on snakes including Diamond Pythons (Morelia spilota spilota) for NSW NPWS. The ones we get around here (including Coffs and Woopi) are classed as Coastal Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota mcdowelli).

Like a lot of pics added to news articles those are just stock photos of a typical Sydney morph Diamond Python (Morelia spilota sp).

Having read all your posts it's quite obviously you're new to the game and if you're open to learning about them I'm only too glad to help but if you want to argue...well.....?

Have a good day,
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So don't believe the govt you say?

What about news reports?

Well given that a recent news report attributed the Oenpelli breeding project to someone other than Dr Bedford, I'd say No, don't believe news reports.

That is a stock image. Actual article here.

While the article states Diamond python there is no photographic evidence to back this claim up.

Nice pic, though it has no relation to the article itself, which has no mention of Diamond pythons.
In the end i don't care, you can all pick on every little thing i say and make out that i am completely uninformed all you like.

Whether the range of Diamond Pythons is as it's stated everywhere else but here, or whether they are a cross near here has nothing to do with my interests, which is my 3 captive bred snakes. But, in the habits of this forum, a small inconsequential comment i made about the range of wild snakes in my neighbourhood has made the forum attack me as ignorant. Fine.

I wouldn't expect photos of a hacked up animal in the news report.

So i shouldn't believe multiple news reports, don't believe the govt but believe some guys on a forum who tell me they are experts? Ok. I believe you that there has never been a Diamond Python near Coffs.

I don't want to argue, i came here to show off my best mates and was immediately set upon for giving bad advice that would kill someone's animal, even though i didn't give advice but merely related my own experiences with my snakes and stated that they are different species and i new nothing of the species in discussion and stated that someone else would be in a better position to comment than me.

Since then i have been told that everything that i have done for my best mates is wrong, dangerous and i'm going to hurt them. That my enclosures are inadequate, that they are prone to escape and that my snake is obese endangering it's health.
I'm about to cook them, mentally and physically torture them and generally hurt them.

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