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I've had a bite from a 6 foot coastal so bad, it busted my vein in my palm, needed to go to the doctor for that one, but usually no problems. My scrubbie used to bite me all the time, and never any trouble from that.

but today, my pregnant rat (new to breeding rats) tore into my hand when I was filling up her water, that was not nice and rather quite painful. i'm getting a tetnus shot this week. She came from the pet store, so I don't trust where her teeth have been :shock:

now I remember why I didn't want to keep rats, Ouchy :?
4 virulent bacteria and a possible anticoagulant makes these bites not a nice experienceand the wound develops septicieamia which is pus-forming bacteria or their toxins in the blood or tissues
All the more reason to conserve crocs! happy fathers day for that bloke eh? good stuff fuscus! :wink:
talking about monitors and road kill!!
i was in Kakadu and i saw a merton's water monitor eating a roadkilled monitor of the same species!!
Pythons bites... like most have said not that bad.. a bit of bleeding and that's about it..and perhaps some pain from the larger ones.. i guess that depends on your own pain threshold.
But as bigguy has stated , and i found out last week, monitors are definately a very different story..
Simon has a piccy in his gallery of the bite that i coped, other than some bleeding and a bit sore i thought nothing else of it,wrapped it in a paper towel and away i went, well by the next day it was a different story, finger was about double size or more, bruised and very red and angry looking and a desent throbbing.So off to the doc i go, takes one look at it,freaks and says infected,so jab goes the tetnis shoot and clean up by the nurse and a course of antibiotics..
Looks much better now.. except still pretty tender when knocked, and because it got me on a joint,also tender when a clenched fist

nah the rule is don't get bitten ;)

But all bites should get the same level of care to prevent any problem further down the track.
At least if you get the wound clean and keep it clean, if there is a problem you can pin point it alot better so you don't wonder ' oh where is my coastals fang gone?'
but today, my pregnant rat (new to breeding rats) tore into my hand when I was filling up her water, that was not nice and rather quite painful. i'm getting a tetnus shot this week. She came from the pet store, so I don't trust where her teeth have been.

Yeppers, those preggers ones can be very nasty. Dave's had a couple of nasty bites from em!! He bled like a stuck pig!! No infections set in tho! At least we know where all our ratties have been, and not from some rubbish dump. Those big dump rats carry lots of diseases, including the plague apparently? Cheers
the amount of zoonotic deseases from rats are huge!!!!!
the majority of them come from wild rats tho, there is something called rat scratch disease, and heaps more. from lab rats and pet rats you can only catch things like tetanus, ringworm and salmonella, still bad tho
I've been bitten by wild rats. One from an underground drain right near the middle of the city in Melbourne bit me quite deeply. I must now either have the plague along with every other disease known to man or the best immune system this side of India :)
i wasn't saying that ;)
but the possibility is far greater, the amount of bacteria from wild rats is huge and thats why you can catch so much stuff from them, they harvest bacteria and are glad to pass it on to you :p
Yeah, I know you weren't saying that, I was just kidding.
I've taken some pretty nasty snake bites too, but no infections other than after necrosis from venom (starting from the necrotic tissue - GOOO!)
i know i sound pedantic but i have seen way to many people have animal bites, ect and not treat it properly and had horrible infections and now have permanant scaring from the damage.

Venezuelan Hemorrhagic fever. That sounds like trouble. :shock:
yeah i did say we don't get them all here....
but GOO all the same!
Meh! If I was to make a list of all the diseases that you can catch from breathing air near other people, shaking hands or dare I say, having sex with people, it would be even longer and more horrid.

I never treat non venomous bites with any more than pressure to stop bleeding and only then with really bad ones (which I've been cautiously avoiding for over a year now). I think people are really paranoid when it comes to zoonoses and not cautious enough with human specific diseases.
yeah realise it's not here...hence the name I guess.... :)
Was just feeling for the poor venezualans
Isn't hemorrhagic fever pretty similar to ebola?
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