Question for diamond python breeders.

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Very Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
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Port macquarie, NSW
Just a quick question for the diamond python breeders of nsw.
Im currently haveing a shocking time with my diamond breeding attempt, the male is showing no signs of being attracted to the female, which i thought could be because she is un responsive.

i read in this caresheet
Mark - Diamond Pythons
that the male is attracted to the females "smell" and that the female will shed after winter before being ready to mate.
Now i noticed over the last week my females belly was red and today her eyes are cloudy so shes sheding now.

I want to know if other diamond breeders females shed before they mate???
As this could be why they havent mated yet due to her only now becoming ready to mate.
Any help would be great as i have read serveral other species shedding before mating but ive only read it in the one article concerning diamond pythons.

I will also add that my temps arnt much higher then the outside temps and my night time temps generally match outside and as im on the mid north coast its been wet and cold spring so far so im hoping there just late starters.
No one can tell me if there diamond shed after brumation and before the mating season kicked off?
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In my experience my males, also shed when coming out of Brumation, so I wouldn't base anything on that. When my Diamonds mated, you were in no doubt....If to your gaze They are indifferent, then you are probably out of luck
no idea as ive never bred this female before as shes newly aquired, though she is an older female and very big so good chance shes bred before.
I was just interested to know if female diamonds shed before breeding as i know alot of species of snake shed before and after the breeding season.
il keep trying still early in the season, i came across 2 gravid wild port macquarie carpets last season while working, both were heavyily gravid and spotted a week apart and that was late december.
So il just wait till shes shed and continue introductions and see how it goes.
in the book im reading it says that females breed in 2-3 year intervals which i think is due to the clutch size of 20-54 eggs
lol i saw that link years ago, its by an american.
No australian would put his diamond in a styrofoam box in the garage for the winter.
Ive got plenty of books on diamonds, but only one mentioned the female shedding before breeding and that is all i was curious about.
Thanks for the suggestions though, but really just wondering if you own diamonds did ur female shed before the current season started?
But yeah shes old enough and big enough to breed, shes as heavy as most large olives lol.
1Female Diamond.jpg
Hi mate

My diamond were mating before their first shed after winter and again after shed.
So it doesn't seem to matter in my opinion,your fem looks good how big is your male.
Your males have to be lean and if they are over weight will not do the job.
My smallest male seems to be the best breeder ?

You also say your temps aren't much hotter than outside,your temps shouldn't get any hotter than outside.
Try turning your heat off for a few days then back on ect like a natural climate,this often works.

my heat ranges between 25 in the morn and rises to round 29 in the day then drops to outside temps at night, male is lean and smaller then female hes also old enough just ur usual lean male diamond.
Ive separated them for now nothing will happen while shes in shed and best not to stress a shedding animal.
will continue after shed cycle.
Ok temps sound good,my diamonds were mating all through my females shed cycle so you just never know.?
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