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Nov 11, 2007
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ok, so i might have posted about this slightly before, or atleast someone came up with the diagnoses before, but i have a spotted python with a rather foul temperament.
i have tried moving his enclosure from the center of the house to a more secluded area so he wasnt being annoyed, i have up'd his diet so it cant be hunger and i have kept a constant eye on him for mites and changes in the tempreture inside the enclosure. still nothing.
it probably sounds really girly. and makes me seem like someone who only bought a snake for cuddles but i assure you i wasnt, it is rather frustrating though that i have a beautiful snake whom i cant take out of his enclosure and stuffs.

does anyone else have a snake with a bad temprement? have you been able to tame your snake? how so?

just thought id throw it it.
i burnt my toast while making this thread :(
You will get some people who will crticise but I understand what you are saying.
I have had three snakes [all spotted] and one used to bite me all the time.
Now she has calmed down but I am always a little wary of her.
AND yes it is a real pain it makes a real task of trying to feed, clean and look after her.
You dont say how old he is but he may never calm down so you have to make a decision whether or not you want to keep him. Would you keep a cat or dog that bites all the time? I wouldn't.
Having said that not all snakes are going to bite but many will - you have to be prepared for that. So are snakes the pet for you.
Just some things to think about but not much help.
its was veryy helpful.
thank you.
he is coming on 1yr old.
so this could just be an onset of teen angst.
i have considered a lot about whether i would have to get rid of him.
but he is my first snake. and i dont know. it kinda makes it that little bit harder of a decision.
i understand that most snakes bite, why else would they have a mouth xD
but, iuno. i cant see myself letting this little fellow onto someone else. but i cant see having him for another 30 odd yrs if all he can do is be in his box. its unfair on him aswell.
gahh to much to think about ahah
heyyy i have an 11month old spotted too who i cant hold without him not just tagging me but biting on and not wanting to let go :p
im kinda used to it now altho i dont like touching him and the though of cleaning out his tub makes me ugh.
ive been told he will calm down after hes turned 1 but could take up to 2 years.. im willing to wait coz ive had a lot worse things hurt me then his lil teeth lol .. i know its horrible though.

ive been told "just keep holding him" (which i hate doing).. im just hoping he'll calm down.
i feed him in a different tub too, and getting him out when hes hungry is like teasing a starving lion with a steak :p:p

i think my he is a she though...
oh get a hook, they rock. lol
jasta doesn't like being held as such but he loves exploring around my bed and handbag etc... he just nails me when i pick him back up to put him back in his home :p
i thought about gettin rid of jasta too but have to wait till january neway or maybe its december... either way ill probably end up keeping him.
He will settle down we have 5 spotteds and as they are aging over 1 year they are all settling down

Our male took 2 years to become a puppy dog:)

In time your spotted will over come his biting just keep him full, I feed my spotteds ever 7 days on 2 rats of adequate size and then 1 rat of adequate size every outher week, They are healthy and looking great and no longer bite

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hi JJ, i have an 18mth old pyshco coastal (male)..was previously housed in a small click-clack with just toilet-roll..As soon as i got him i straight away put him in a smaller enclosure with enough hides.Couple of days later he went berzerk, the slightest noise will get him into the strike position n will be in that position most of the time..
As we dont have a herp room, all the enclosures are at the lounge room, with kiddies around, tv etc..Yes he would still be in that position but we went on with our normal activities as we thought the snake should adjust to us n not the other way round..He is feeding/shedding well too. Some days, i would just sit there staring back at him when hes in that S-position..He would be like, strike or bite?? but then i think he got tired of me n went back in his hide..
So after 2mths in that enclosure, i moved him with the bigger coastals in the bigger enclosure.
Surprisingly, he adapt very well! I would handle the bigger coastals, n would leave him there. Couple of wks after,i open the enclosure to handle the bigger coastals n this time i take him out too..i think he got the idea if bigger onesare out, he gets to go too..
No more striking, no more biting..Althought sometimes i think hes still suspicous of me.. :)

Ive got a female jungle, shes not snappy, just 'unpredictable'...She would tuck her head in n when i open the enclosure for cleaning, she would pop her head out n gives me a fright..! I would just scoop her from the top n she would jerk around but didnt bite..Still need a bit more handling though..

For your spotted, u might wana give it a bit more time..? Im sure it will settle with a bit more patience..
(my situation is different from yours, just thought i'l share it - too much free time in the morning! hee)
Thanks wench.
good to see im not the only one with a struggling spotted lol.

i have a hook. and use it most of the time when i have to take him out.
ive been bitten by little leviathane. and its not that his bites hurt me but it definitely does give you quiet the shock ahaha.
im pretty sure my he is a he.
i got him from a pretty reliable source lol.

ive been told by one of my mums work mates who owns a few snakes that he is a healthy, well-growing spotted. so i dont think its a health issue. i dont know.
i guess time can only tell >__<
Yeah jasta eats like a pig and sheds every 21-28 days... depending on feeding schedule lol.
he looks healthy and is active most the time.. the only time hes really ever in his hide is after a feed (sunday or monday) and usually 2 days later hes out on his branch or just exploring, even during the day.

gonna get him out tonight and see how many times he goes for me hahahah :p lil sucker.
I have 3 bredli that are around 8.5months old, two are great handlers and one of them is snappy. She's bitten me twice, tried to bite me many more times. Used to strike at pretty much everything moving. She even bit her hide box a few times.

I've noticed in the time I've had her, she's definitely calming down already. We even thought we had maybe mixed her up with one of the others because she wasn't being defensive at all. She will still strike at things if they move a bit too fast or in front of her, but if nothing surprises her, then she's being pretty good lately.

I couldn't say for sure what changes a snakes behaviour, there's a few theories floating around. I don't handle this girl much at all, I only get her out when she needs cleaning really, and half the time she's in her hide box, so I just leave her in there and don't actually handle her. If she's out and needs cleaning, I do pick her up and handle her but other than that I leave her alone... which suggests to me that she's calming down as she grows bigger not because of frequent handling.
if youre sure hes not stressed, regular handling for short periods seems to work well. i try to make the outings for my little bredli interesteing, like i take them out fro a cruise around the house or a bit or sun time in teh garden, generally on feeding day (just before they eat).
considering they eat well i know thats not stressing them.

since theyre in quarantine and my older boy is always out i cant really handle them more than one day a week and theyre calming down quite nicely, still unpredictable, but alot calmer than they were.

at the start i'd take them out, put them down on the carpet and tehy'd just sit in strike mode waiting for their chance to eat me, i'd sit near them slowly wriggling closer till tehy got used to my presence.
it took a few weeks for them to start exploring rather than just hoping to kill me.

are u confident in ur movements?
slow and calm?
do u wait fro ur snake to go into strike mode, or just open the tank and pick her straight up?

even Loki (thats my 3yr old bredli) seems agitated when people who are nervous of him handle him, and he gets thrown about by kids on a regular basis.
we all gotta remeber snakes aren't domesticated like dog's

some times a change in enclosure or setup may change his attitude, changing his feeding wont change it either it;s a matter if it will accept being handled or not in anycase a good hook is in order
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