Retained eye caps - help!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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In a house of herps - and loving it!
My spotted shed on the weekend and it came off perfectly apart from around his nose, so I fed him tonight and after I had put in his feed I noticed one of his eyes didn't look right.
It looks like he is wearing a goggle over one eye so I'm assuming it's a retained eye cap?...
Only on one eye luckily but he has been really jumpy - this would explain why.
What is the safest way to remove it, do I put him in a tub of lukewarm water as I would a retained shed else where on his body or is there a different technique considering it's such a delicate spot?
(also as he's just fed I know it's a no-no to handle but am I right in thinking this can't wait to be delt with?)
my spotted had a retaind eyecap once, what i was told to do(and it worked for me) was wet a pillowcase with warm damp water and put it in a tub9with the python in it) but leave the lid off and get a heatlamp abouve it so it stays at 30-32* leave for 15 mins then let it out of the bag for five mins and repeat. it also works for retained sheds. but once youve done this it should rub off inside the case if not mabey gently try to rub it off straight after you get the python out of the case.
Good idea, I tried the tub with water last night but he's keeping his head out of the water (obviously not into swimming lol) the pillow case makes more sence as he'll be able to rub his eye...poor little guy is so stressed and jumpy - can ne one tell me why this might have happened - he had the best shed ever since I bought him around 9 months ago now it was a complete piece - apart from his nose
That's great that his shedding is getting better - I wouldn't over analyse it too much. Just keep the humidity up (sorry, I know you know this already!), and help him along the way! Try Fay's idea of the cotton bud in the other thread I posted...
will do - I thought it might be a humidity thing but the rest came off like a dream so it's a left fielder - gotta love when they do that : / The cotton bud sounds like a good idea but I've never had to hold his head to retrain him and he's really jumpy (understandably) ne tips on how I grab him...this is a guaranteed way to get tagged right bahaha
He'll probably be cranky :) I can't remember how big this snake is, but being a spotted you should be able to do it on your own, or maybe with help of Miss 6? If you get him out as though handling him normally, if you're right handed, grab the snake quickly and gently behind the head, but DON'T cut off his airway! You hardly need any pressure or strength to control a snake's head of that size. He will naturally probably get a bit cranky and wrap the rest of him around your left arm, which should be fine - otherwise, ask miss 6 to hold her body down on a table, but if he really squirms, I can imagine she might let go, and it will make the process more stressful for Fluffy :) Then, use your right hand to wipe away the scale with a warm wet cu-tip. Shouldn't take too long, but be patient and keep the cu-tip wet.

Does that make sense/sound manageable?
Cranky is an understatement but yeah he's only a spotted so it's no major bigi, getting him out as normal sounds easy but he's lunging at the glass whenever you come near it poor thing so I'm just going to have to suck it up : p - Miss 6 is at school so unfortunately I'm on my own to do it... Not sure if it's a good or bad thing my herp helper is 6 lol and I'm kind of glad she's not home I wouldn't want her to be put off...Going to get set up with my cu-tips and put my 'this is not a mouse arm' face on bahaha Thanks miss K
Go and get an office rubber thumb that is used to sorting paper ,it wont hurt your snakes eyes in any way and the rubber grips the cap no worries ..a SAFER METHOD then any tape etc and no RISK to your snake just gently wipe away from the eye it will catch the cap with the rubber ...
Throw a towel over his head so he grabs the towel and not you, or just can't see you as your getting him out ;)

RBB - good idea, too
It's not nessary to remove a retained eyecap, it will be shed at the next slough provided you have the correct humidity. Causes for retained caps can varie from simply being caught around the head and tearing off the old skin during slough, to mites which are a greater concern.
If you are confident you dont have mites and the cap is not hanging askew, leave it be.
If it's partly detatched, an hour inside a moist pillowcase often allows the snake to rub it off itself.
Please never attempt dodgy 'cleverbum' tricks like using tape etc, this can cause damadge to the underlying cap.
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH GUYS!!!! I put Fluffy in a damp pillow case under his light for about half an hour and then held him in the pillow case so he didn't do his famous arm constricting while I wiped the eye with a really wet cotton bud - it came off nice and easy and he seemed almost instantly calmer...I underestimated him though he didn't open his mouth once at me he's such a good boy :)herps 003.jpg ...with sexy eyes again ; p
thanks guys definately a happier snake now, I suppose weeing all over me was a little gratifying for the him lol...I was worried I was going to damage his eye and he'd be permanantly jumpy - wasn't a good thought that's for sure!
I have another q though he was only fed last night and as soon as I put him back in his enclosure he did a massive poop, surely that couldn't be the feed go through his system that fast?...Do I re feed sooner or just wait a week like usual?
It's probably from the week before's feed, mate. They often go with or just after a shed.
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