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The way i have always sexed adult bluetongues is visually. The males in my experience have stouter and wider heads, and their tails taper very quickly givving them a slimmer appearance. females on the other hand have narrower heads and their tails are alot thicker at the base. This is how i have sexed my adults and has been accurate for me.
Guestimate... or throw a whole heap of the together, and the ones that daisy chain off each other are usually males.
Older animals are usually easily sexed by comparative head size and body shape. Some skinks show hemipenal bulges if you know what to look for, other's, like some egernia's can be probed.
Older animals are usually easily sexed by comparative head size and body shape. Some skinks show hemipenal bulges if you know what to look for, other's, like some egernia's can be probed.

Are they the same bulges you find in beardies?
My 12yo son sexed his blue tongue just on what he had read and got it right... he could may have well been very lucky tough :)
mmm I'll take a stab, it much easier doing it when you have the animal in your hands
1st pic, I'm tending towards male
2nd pic, female
3rd pic, male
4th pic, female
5th pic, Male
Contact -Andrew- on this site, he is a gun at visual sexing of Blueys.
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