skitzo spotted

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2008
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Coomera, Gold Coast
hey guys, i have a 7 month old spotted who has a temper to boot. he bites me no matter how much i try and touch him and yeah im starting to think hes always gonna hate me.

anyway when i got home this arvo he was wondering around the click clack thing and went into his hide shortly after. Every night b4 i go to bed i check on him just to make sure all is well and when i lifted up the hide a tiny bit he went nuts. striking at nething and eveyrthing not even aiming. i ended up taking the hide out (i coudln't put it back down ontop of him coz he was goin syko) and now hes like moving around the container crazy fast and striking at the walls and everything. like hes on speed.

could he possibly be hungry still?? i only fed him on wednesday night. he hasn't passed his last feed yet, or not that i can see anyway and his temps are fine too.

help... :(
He is quite possibly just stressed usually they settle down once they realise you are not a threat. How often are you trying to handle him,opening his click clack etc?
mmmmm every few days.
he eats once a week so i leave him for 2 days usually after hes eatten and pooped. but yeah after that its every 2 days or so and thats when i change the paper in there and change his water.
im not home a whole heap so i usually only come home from work, change his water, try handeling him for a little bit then im off again till 5pm the next afternoon...
i just dunno why he went syko all of a sudden, hes never done that, usually when i lift the hide up he just sorta looks at me and i can put it back down again.
he may still be hungry, what with the stalking and all, how much of what size are you feeding? and how long is he?
i fed him a pinky rat on wednesday, he was happy with just that last week..
hes only bout 50cm long if that?? im not sure.. hes a tiny bit sorter then my keyboard hahah hes not the type of snake to stay still long enough to measure him without him biting me to death first.

why did i have to get the angry snake as my first hahah :(
he shed 2and a half weeks ago
a fuzzy mouse is only a tiny bit smaller then a pinky rat...and he was eatting fuzzies b4 i got him and ive had him nearly a month. so 2 feeds back i tried him on pinky rats and he ate it fine.
he ate another one fine on wednesday.
yikes, bigger than my lots thats for sure.

what size tub is he in, where is it located, and whats the humidity like?
But if you upped the food size from fuzzie mice to pinkie rats this may make him shed faster than usual.,due to it being a bigger size.(depending on your breeders sizing of their rodents).
Might not be it's problem though.......
Mites? Have a good look. I'd go insane with little bugs crawling over me. Just a thought. Not saying he has mites, he just might. (pardon the pun). LOL
ehh hes never turned down a feed and hes never had trouble eatting them. he ate two fuzzy mice the night i got him..
not sure how big the tub is.. probably like 40-50cm and 30cm wide?? and maybe 20cm high? i dunno.. thats just rough.
its on a little stand next to my bed with a heat cord.. i move him a little bit off the heat cord at night and check the temps a bit after and they are good, and in the morning i move him back onto the cord more (if im not gonna be home i just leave it on the cord and he can move away from the heat if he wants)
dunno how to measure humidity in there...

i managed to sneak his hide back into the container without him tryin to eat me.. hes back in it but poking his head out and watching...
is the tub clear plastic? he might think hes in a much bigger tub than he is if its clear, so he might be stressed out and feeling insecure.

as t=for the previous comment about bigger feed items increasing rate of shed, the freqency of shedding is affected by freqency of feeds, not amount being fed, so doubt its to do with shedding. my guess is hes stressed out and insecure atm
im gonna find another hide for him tomorrow.. figured hes not much of a roamer, he only comes out between 330-430 everyday and then hides for the other 23 hours. he already has 2 in there but might put another one in tomorrow
the tub isn't clear clear its kinda misted? i dunno the word for it hahah.
should i put some paper around it so its not see-thru at all??

...should i put another pinky in there tonight and see if he eats it???? if he does i wont feed him again till like next weekend or even the following wednesday or something..
we have a spotted also but 8 months old. it's pretty scared for some reason, it's in a click clack, i don't think it's as long as yours though. and this is kai's second snake. the first, (R.I.P) was a placid thing. but this one? has an attitude also
jasta would easily be about 50cm..
in the month ive had him ive only had him out once without striking at me, or nething that moves
and ive tried a heap of different methods..
i dont mind so much the bite, the strike makes me jump tho...would have loved a placid one for my first though hahah :(
shadow the spotted, likes to strike for no reason at all. and the bite doesn't scare me either, just the strike. thats what scares me. she bit me on the nose the other day.. she just was flicking her tongue looking at me, then..wham! got me on the nose. didn't do anything but tickle. but am trying to get him/her outta this mode.
as t=for the previous comment about bigger feed items increasing rate of shed, the freqency of shedding is affected by freqency of feeds, not amount being fed, so doubt its to do with shedding. my guess is hes stressed out and insecure atm

If he increases the size of the food without changing how often it feeds that would increase the total food intake increasing growth shoo.

Put 3-4 little hides in there so he feels secure (tampon boxes and spark plug boxes are good ones) and make sure he is not in an area where lot of eople walk past every day.

Some are like that. He may settle down and he may not. Most likely he will though :) just remener how big your hand must look reaching for him. One thing I tried was getting them out by lifing them out in their hides and then letting them crawl out so they dont have you reaching for them and picking them up. Stick with it!! Good thing he has a good appetite
a good appetite? hes a freaking pig!!! hahaha i just chucked another pinky in there and he devoured it in like 2 minutes.
didn't even take him long to find the head this time (usually he cant figure out where to eat it from and while wrapped around it just pokes at it)
in the past 10 minutes tho the container started fogging up heaps, i dunno if thats coz hes eating or i dunno, it usually doesn't do that when he eats.
should he be hungry this much?? 2 pinky rats is quite a feed in a space of 4 days....
Hi wench,
I feed my antaresia twice a week.
Only handle him once a week to clean his cage.
Where is his click clack??
Is it in a nice quiet room, no heavy traffic areas, tv or radio noise (as they can pick up vibrations).???
They will eventually settle down if all the conditions are right and they know that there is no danger.
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