skitzo spotted

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If he increases the size of the food without changing how often it feeds that would increase the total food intake increasing growth shoo.

logic dictates that i agree, but papers that i have read that investigated the growth of several clutches of spotted pythons concluded that the shed rate was the same for animals fed twice as much but at the same rate as clutch siblings over a 24month period. so growth rate was higher, but shed rate was as regular as the ones being fed less but at the same time, weird huh?
Doesn't sound hungry to me.

My experience with bitey snake;

Reptiles naturally don't like being held much at all really they pref being left alone, so if your spotted is truly snappy as you say then I ask you this, when it bites you is it the end of the handling session ?

If so then you shouldn't

Get some gardening gloves and gently hold the spotted for a few hours maybe watch a movie while holding it, eventually it will get the message :p
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Doesn't sound hungry to me.

My experience with bitey snake;

Reptiles naturally don't like being held much at all really they pref being left alone, so if your spotted is truly snappy as you say then I ask you this, when it bites you is it the end of the handling session ?

If so then you shouldn't

Get some gardening gloves and gently hold the spotted for a few hours maybe watch a movie while holding it, eventually it will get the message :p

I'm with that. That's what has worked for me in the past.
The more time they get with you the better they will get.
when i put the pinky in there last night he came straight outta his hide and ate it.
hes in my bedroom (away from my curious flatmates hehe) on a bedside table thing, he might hear traffic sometimes and my wannabe dj flatmate plays music on saturdays for about an hour b4 we all crack it at him.
didn't bother checking on him this morning.

i'll get him out tonight in the lounge room tonight coz none of my flatmates should be floating around...
I think that you should leave handling to a minimum.
I have had about 12 or more antaresia hatchies over the years, some are still only babies now and I still have them, some have started out snappy but now they are all beautiful. I have never handled them until a lot bigger more than just to clean out their cage.
I have a couple of snappy ones and they are the ones that I didn't get until they were adults.
People tend to forget, reptiles are not like a kitten or a puppy, far from it, they get stressed with continual handling, noise, no proper hides etc.
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I would never recommend gardening gloves (or any other kind) for handling a snake. It decreases the feeling in the hands and you might just end up squeezing the snake a little too hard.

You could try putting a towel over the click clack for a week or so, then start handling (don't feed for a little while). Use a hook to get it out of the enclosure, then place it on your lap. Don't make any sudden movements, and keep you fingers out of the way (which will be perceived as targets or threats). Don't place your hand above the snake and try to pick it up that way. Handle it from below. Try doing a search on handling techniques- there's quite a few of them.

And no, this snake wouldn't hate you. It's probably just extremely innsecure and frightened.
Who did you buy him from? Sounds like maybe a bad breeder has kept it in bad conditions. Als, do you have any cats or other household pets?
Who did you buy him from? Sounds like maybe a bad breeder has kept it in bad conditions. Als, do you have any cats or other household pets?

That is not correct fraser.
To a small snake EVERYTHING is a potential threat thats why they bite,especially if they think they can't escape.

The vast majority of the time they will grow out of that stage with no handling except for cage cleaning once they get a bit of size about them.
Thanks for making this thread, I'm going to try some things with my bredli tonight. :D
ooh its 7 months old yeah probably don't need gloves doubt the snake would even hurt when biting.

notechistiger, but yeah gloves for a bigger snake, no idea why you'd squeeze even with no glove :rolleyes:
if this snake came from a big breeder it would of been getting handled at most once a week. so it is probably not used to being around people. when picking up a young snake come at it with a flat hand so it hads nothing to bite on to and in its line of sight. keep handling it thats my biggest tip they have to get to know you. in my experience with macs they calm down when they get older. it does not sound like it hungry or sheddin it just sounds scared. anteresis are very shy snakes they like tight secure hide and usualy only two hides are nessesary in the encloser a hot and a cold just make sure they are not to big because it will stress out if it does not feel secure.

let us know how he goes

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