I will be going overseas, visiting my family and friends in my home country soon, and I need someone to look after Amadeus - my juvenile diamond python of about 3 months old - while I am away.
I am leaving on the 13th of June and returning back to Melbourne around the 27th of July.
Wondering if there are any snake sitters within/near the Melbourne CBD area? I am willing to pay as long as I know that he will be well looked after while I'm gone. If you are interested or know of anyone that might be, please let me know!
I will be going overseas, visiting my family and friends in my home country soon, and I need someone to look after Amadeus - my juvenile diamond python of about 3 months old - while I am away.
I am leaving on the 13th of June and returning back to Melbourne around the 27th of July.
Wondering if there are any snake sitters within/near the Melbourne CBD area? I am willing to pay as long as I know that he will be well looked after while I'm gone. If you are interested or know of anyone that might be, please let me know!