Spotted female possibly gravid - need advice/help

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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Karalee, SE QLD
Hey guys.

My female spotted python is showing signs of being gravid. I've seen her on her back, and on her side a couple of times, and mum has said she's seen her laying on her back too. This is kind of a surprise because about a month ago she wasn't showing any signs. Just a couple of questions...
How long between showing signs to the pre-lay shed is there and how long from the pre-lay to the laying is there usually for a spotted?
What sort of thing should I use for a lay box? I've seen a few different ideas on here, I'm just not sure what the best one would be. Where should it be situated in the enclosure? What sort of bedding/substrate should I use in it?
I am building my own incubator (old bar fridge). I'll be using a heat cord in there. would I need a fan in that size fridge? anything else I should put in it? I'll be using the new S.I.M incubator tubs. Viewing hole/door or no viewing hole/door?? what sort of thermostat should I use for it?
How long between laying - hatching is there?

Sorry about all the questions, just want to be really prepared for it =D
any pictures would be greatly appriciated, as would any advice!

anyone? I've looked through the search & everything else, but still not 100% sure on everything.. would really appreciate your help/advice.
you realy ony need to start marking out dates from shen she has her pre-lay shed,
i have a couply of stimsons, who im waiting on and they still havent shed yet,
you can make a fairly accurte guess as to when she will lay going on that. then mark the day the eggs are layed, if you have acces to "keeping and breeding australian pythons" have a read, if not get a copy its bot every thing you need, and has been hailed the pythons keepers bible.
Not sure whether or not this may help, but I called a couple of experienced guys when I found out my childreni was gravid and they told me 25-30 days after pre-lay was about the date for laying, different sub-species I know but same family so it could be similar. I wasn't expecting her to be gravid to tell you the truth so I didn't notice any signs until after she shed and started laying on her back/side and gaining weight while not being interested in food lol; my male didn't take too well to the cooling period so I'd cut my losses and warmed them both back up early. Luck hey? Then again, I shouldn't count my childreni before they hatch, to coin and adjust a phrase ;)
thanks pyro =) yeah I do have that book, but one of my friends has it at the moment. I will try & get it back from her. okay, so I will keep an eye out for the pre-lay and hurry to get this incubator set up, and fingers crossed she is gravid.
wow nighthawk, that is very lucky! congrats on the childreni eggs! hope they're all nice looking snakes. haha yeah, the girls in this species seem to be sneaky lol
Hey Trouble.. how exciting!
I have some blondes but havent bred them you know how long ago they mated?
That will give you some idea when they are says 24 days after pre lay shed, so as soon as she sheds you wont have long to wait!
I made my own incubator for my beardie eggs, and if yours is only small you probably wont need a fan the most important thing is a good thermostat. I use the B1 microclimate dimming thermostat, which i recommend :)
Incubation for spotteds can be between 46-61 days (going from my book ;) )

Hope some of that helps
Lol, thanks trouble! It's looking good for these ones, I wanted his bloodline and unforunately this'll be the only chance I get, he's a beautiful chocolate reduced pattern and a decent size (last measured 1.3+ metres, I'm getting onto the herpmeasure program to be certain on that though), so fingers crossed there's at least a couple! Good luck for yours too, crafty wee girls lol.
It also depends on when they've ovulated, if they ovulate and go into a prelay slough really early then there is a longer wait between prelay and eggs. and vica versa. Generally speaking 25-30days post slough. I use a microclimate B1 for my incubator, it's a dimmer stat, I'd suggest either dimming or pulsating thermos. No need for a fan if you use the right watage cord (for the fridge size) and have it even top and bottom. Good luck.
hey Sel, thanks =)
I have put them together a few times, the first time was around mid May, and the last time was mid August. she only just started showing signs in the last 2 weeks. I'm actually in hospital at the moment, so it's hard to tell if she's still doing it, but I go home on the weekend to start building the incubator, so I will check on her then. Awesome, thank for your help! will definately put pics up when/if she lays!
No-two - thank you for your help, I didn't know that about the pre-lay. B1 thermo, you can get them from the HerpShop right? Okay, I will keep the heat cord trick in mind =)
thanks heaps guys! really appriciate your help!

Nighthawk - wow, your male sounds very good looking! definately hope they're successful for you!
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