spotted python shedding/skin problems

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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A couple of weeks ago my usually resiliant and versitile 6 month year old spotted python had trouble shedding, eventully he shed. however he left his spectuckles on. i left him to get them off during the next shed. When he shed again he only shed his face but not his body, and it appeared that on the top of the head he had taken off some extra skin too. i was just a bit worried because he hasn't eaten in this time and i tried putting him in warm water to losen the skin but it didn't work?
should i take him to the vet? or will it fix itself over time?
It is always best to remove retained sheds, especially the eye scales, immediately after the incomplete shed. Waiting till the next shed is far to late. By the sounds of it the skin will be very difficult to remove and vetinary intervention maybe the best senario.

In the past I have had sucess removing retained sheds by soaking a pillow case (inside out) in warm water then wringing it out then placing the snake inside and tie off the end. After about half an hour or so the skin maybe be softened enough to assist removing it.

When assisting with retained shed removal you must be very careful not to pull away dry skin. I always gently rub the snake through the damp pillow case in a circular motion and most of the time it does the trick. If there is any thing else that needs to be removed manually, once softened, gently peel off the shed in the direction of the scales, from head to tail.

Hope this helps.
i give my snakes a spray with warm water during the week they are coming up to a shed, the more palcid ones get a spray with snakey moisturiser and a bit of a rub. the cranky ones get a steamy bath. it all helps to loosen the shed :)
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