Still need help with my toungueless olive

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Hi all,

I am still hoping someone out there can help me almost 4 weeks ago my Olive python lost his toungue through an unknown incident!?!?!?! I have tried numiours way to get him to feed but all have been 100% unsuccesfull as I have no prior experience in force feeding or pinkie pumping I was hoping if someone lived Local (Yarra Valley Vic) was able to assist that would be greatly appreciated or even if someone have a detailed instruction list on how to force feed. Or a copy of reptiles Aus vol4 issue 3 with the instruction. Sorry for the long letter but I am desperate to get him to feed asap.
If he has only recently lost his tongue he may very well be in pain. Have you looked in his mouth, or had him checked with a vet to be sure no infection has flared up? 4 weeks isn't a long time, especially after an injury like that, for them to go without food.

If you contact Reptiles Australia magazine they would likely have back issues to be able to send you a copy of that book.
Hi Mysnakesau Yeah he has been to the vet's several times for check ups and injections I know that he can most likly go an easy few more weeks with out being feed under normal circumstances but I have choosen not to cool him and maintain his normal warm temp. I personally dont think he is in pain as he is pyshically back to normal health minus his toungue.
You don't need to stress yet. Regardless of temperature, sometimes snakes simply will not eat during this time of year. If he is not losing condition, then he is fine with not eating.
If as you say your snake no longer has a tongue then it may no longer recognise its food.
The main sense used is smell and the tongue of the snake plays a primary roll in this.
As stated it is also a period when reptiles generally go off their food.
If as you say your snake no longer has a tongue then it may no longer recognise its food.
The main sense used is smell and the tongue of the snake plays a primary roll in this.
As stated it is also a period when reptiles generally go off their food.

Do you make sure his food is warm. Being without his tongue, he now needs to learn to find his food. I have a friend with a tongueless carpet. He could be a nice snake. He is handlable and very pertty, but he has learnt to use his heatpits to find food and will have a go at anything that feels warm.
His food is heated I have again tried several different ways of heating to hopefully allow him to reconise it as food or atleast something?!?!?
I know without his jacobson organ it will be hard for him to detect it as being food but this little guy is worth all the work.
He is still extremely well behaved and still has not struck at anyone since his injury although part of me wishes he would!
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