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Apr 3, 2007
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sifting through your trash
has anyone had infected snakes with stomatitus???if so what was the outcome???
My hatchling BHP has been diagnosed with stomatitus and is currently on baytrill and a peroxide mouthwash.
Stomatitis or also known as canker and mouth rot, is a very treatable infection. Keep up with what your vet has told you and he should make a full recovery. Just remember hygiene - it can be contagious to other snakes and even whilst treating him I am not sure if you handle him, then go back to him later, that you can re-infect him - so always wash hands up to your elbows before and after handling him,
Stomatitis or also known as canker and mouth rot, is a very treatable infection. Keep up with what your vet has told you and he should make a full recovery. Just remember hygiene - it can be contagious to other snakes and even whilst treating him I am not sure if you handle him, then go back to him later, that you can re-infect him - so always wash hands up to your elbows before and after handling him,
Thats pretty much what my vet told me as well;)....I'm still trying to determine how he actually got it as my temps are good and I keep all my enclosures VERY clean I thought maybe stress but he is in a click clack situated away from a "human traffic area" however he did bump his head a few times when i was feeding him 2 weeks ago (he gets fiesty at dinner time and will strike at anything that moves I'm guessing it was from that)....He is quarantined and the only time I handle him is to give his meds.....I hate seeing the little guy like this, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery...
Just an update on my BHP all is good although there was a few times i REALLY didn't think he was going to make it as he developed an R.I on top of stomatitus (he was very sick and looked completely lifeless)but after 4 weeks on fortum he is now 100%......:):):):):):):):):)
That's great ogg, good to know he's better. Harsh luck on getting 2 illnesses at once.

Out of curiosity, what are the sighns or symptoms most notable for those 2 sicknesses?
That's great ogg, good to know he's better. Harsh luck on getting 2 illnesses at once.

Out of curiosity, what are the sighns or symptoms most notable for those 2 sicknesses?
The first signs I picked up on of stomatitus was excess saliva, a fair bit of face rubbing and his toungue was stuck together (wasnt forked).....
As for the R.I this developed later he made little clicking sounds when breahing and had bubbles coming out of his nose every now and then.....
He could have got it from loosing a tooth and eating something. R.I signs, wheezing when they breathe, bubbles of mucus coming out of nose, lethargic and loss of appetite. Stomatitis signs, swelling of the mouth, look like they are dropping their lip like they are sad (the best description i could come up with), loss of appetite.

I have experienced both myself, and those were the things i noticed.

Hope that helps

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