Strange lump on Ackies Back! HELP!!!

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That is definately metabolic bone disease. Lizards need UVb light or at least a good multivitamin added to their food that contain vitamin D3. You can also not just feed them crickets that you buy from petshops as they contain very little nutritional value.
me again champ as much info you can give me on other two and secondly check animal in morning gently touch the lump need to know hard or soft how it feels and if animal likes you touching it or not regards mick ps will speek to John once ive heard from you
So you've lost two and haven't gone to a vet yet.. what the hell? At the very least you should have gotten a post mortem done on the dead ones. How have you not noticed that lump sooner? Has it come up suddenly?

Looks a hell of a lot like MBD to me.. please post details on heat, UV lighting and supplementation as well as diet (don't just say "it's all fine" tell us what it IS).
If the animal is trembling starts at limbs def mbd increase you need to increase uvb cant beat taking them out side in natural sunlight 30 mins - 1 hr every day or at least every second this will depend on your collection for me couldnt do it each day not enough hrs in the day with my collection.
I've only been keeping Ackies for a short while but I will put in my 2 Cents and also ask you a few questions which, with your honest answers, may help others to advise you more accurately.

Firstly to me, at that age, he looks undersize/weight. You mentioned the other is much larger. Are you throwing in food for them and leaving it for them to attend to themselves, or are you making sure they are both getting a fair share of food?

You say they have sufficent UVB and Heating, what grade of UVB are you using? 2.0, 5.0 or 10.0? and, what distance to the UV Light are they able to get too? Is the light underneath or below Glass? What temperatures are you getting their basking spot to?

Are you giving them any Calcium or Vitamin Powder Supplement? This is very important to them as most food we feed them has very little in the way of Calcium.

If you have not noticed this for some time, could this be that he is always hiding when you are around? perhaps there is a dominance issue and the first 2 that died also fell victim to "Bullying" and not getting enough food? What water do you provide? Do you spray them and/or give them clean water in a dish?

If you can give answers to these, we can perhaps guide you to where you might be going wrong.
Also next time, before you buy animals, research the hell out of them. This is basic husbandry and 100% preventable.
For Start crushed walnut substrate is the worst possible substrate u can place a reptile on. It's proven to cause loss of motor neuron functions and impaction. Out in the wild ackies live on sand so why do people have to put them on newspaper, walnut substrate, reptile carpet, bark chips. Reptiles are not the perfect race and just like us nataural diseases and health problems can happen even if conditions are perfect. You obvously know heats and UVB output u need otherwise u wouldn't have purchased 4 straight off batt. Take the little fellow to the vet asap even if it Is something u could fix yourself on other peoples opions why risk it after two have died already I don't mean to be snappy bout the substrate but just have a read up about it and as a breeder myself and I have learnt from mistakes and others mistakes also. It may be MBD even if all UVB and heat and dietry needs are right. It's happens in humans and we have biologist researching medicines to stop it. My suggestion is take it straight to a vet.
Being reluctant to share information regarding temps, lighting, feed etc. will not help you or your animals. Many people have simply stated that conditions are correct without them actually being so.

Considering the two other deaths, I'd bet there is something that can be altered to prevent further loss. Please provide more information.
If you have already lost two animal than I am almost certain that it is a husbandry problem. While most people here are saying metabolic bone disease, no one can give you an answer for certain without actually inspecting the animal itself. For all anyone knows, the lumps could be soft in consistency, indicating a possible bacterial abscess. While a vet may not specialise in reptiles, they are taught basic techniques to find the source of the problem and at this stage, whatever it may be, it has reached the point where veterinary intervention is required. It was irresponsible for you to leave it till this late, as i am sure the lumps would not have appeared overnight but its time to do whats best for the animal. If it is metabolic bone disease then, as the name suggests it is a systemic problem and your previous lizards could have succumb to other effects of the disease before showing the signs that this lizard is displaying. I hope you do what is right by the animal and see professional help.
It's nont a waste of money to take it to the vets... you can research all you like but it looks like you NEED professionals. I would say MBD - please tell us your exact temps ('suitable' may not be so suitable) and a little more about your husbandry... then people can make better assumptions.
Lots of advice with no basic info to go on. Not all lizards NEED UV, and the jury is still out about monitors... it won't do any harm, but it may not be necessary either.

There are clearly some husbandry issues that need to be addressed, the loss of 50% of the lizards, and the lesion shown here on a third animal, indicate a real problem. Ackies are usually tough, almost bullet proof, so something in the setup needs to change.

Can I just ask Tomeki to use even basic punctuation, so reading his/her posts is easier, and the chance of misinterpretation is minimised. Punctuation is there for a reason, even minimal use can clarify what you are trying to say.

Mine is 5 months oldish and considerably larger than that guy. That does NOT look right. I'd advise taking him to the vet.
Thanks everyone I will be taking him to a vet today. AS WELL as changing the substrate to sand and such. I appreciate all the advice that has been given (despite the overly critical analysis of everything I've done without any real knowledge of what has happened). Never the less, thank you everyone for your eagerness in providing me with assistance. However, I suggest being a little kinder to those who seek help, rather than discourage them from exposing their mistakes to people who can TEACH them how to correct them.

After all, We are only human.
The lack of knowledge on our part has been your own fault for not being forthcoming with answers to questions about your husbandry. If you were open and honest with us there would be no criticism.
Thanks everyone I will be taking him to a vet today. AS WELL as changing the substrate to sand and such. I appreciate all the advice that has been given (despite the overly critical analysis of everything I've done without any real knowledge of what has happened). Never the less, thank you everyone for your eagerness in providing me with assistance. However, I suggest being a little kinder to those who seek help, rather than discourage them from exposing their mistakes to people who can TEACH them how to correct them.

After all, We are only human.
Thanks everyone I will be taking him to a vet today. AS WELL as changing the substrate to sand and such. I appreciate all the advice that has been given (despite the overly critical analysis of everything I've done without any real knowledge of what has happened). Never the less, thank you everyone for your eagerness in providing me with assistance. However, I suggest being a little kinder to those who seek help, rather than discourage them from exposing their mistakes to people who can TEACH them how to correct them.

After all, We are only human.

There are plenty of people here who have been willing to help you and been nice about it, me included.

If you are not willing to help people help you by offering information, then you should expect a little hostility. It appear's as though you are more worried about the money it's going to cost you rather than the health of the animal.
The lack of knowledge on our part has been your own fault for not being forthcoming with answers to questions about your husbandry. If you were open and honest with us there would be no criticism.

You STILL haven't told us any information about UV, supplementation or heating.. pull your finger out mate, what do you do for these guys?

This guy looks stunted for his age, and you have lost 50% of your collection.. clearly you need to research BEFORE you purchase animals, not start asking for information after half of them die and a third is sick... I don't care if you think I am being hostile, this sort of thing drives me nuts and you need to learn.. nobody should sugar coat it for you, as you have most likely stuffed up.

When you take on animals they become 100% your responsibility.. I feel very sorry for the 2 that died in your care, and I hope this one works out better.. for its sake.
Well said PhilK, agree 110%

Tmmyq2073 they are just trying to help you and like I stated earlier on in this thread, the more information you give about the living conditions of the sick lizard than the more people will be able to understand and help with the issue at hand.
You are still yet to answer anybody's questions and if you are a bit reluctant to do so because you're questioning your husbandry methods and unsure what you are doing and also worried that people are going to get angry with you, don't be, because telling them what they need to know could prove very useful in getting your lizard back to proper health status..!

Alternatively you could PM some of the less 'hostile' users and do it privately...we are all just worried about the safety of your pet.
Timmy - You have yet to sort out the relevant issues.

You changed the substrate to a more appropriate one, however, this has no relevance on what appears to be a case of MBD.

You have failed to supply ANY details requested of you that would assist in fixing this issue.

If you want help, accept criticism. If you want to be told only what you want to hear, be prepared to lose your remaining animals.

Their stunted size indicates a lack of food and/or heating. A lack of food will inevitably cause a lack of appropriate nutrition which will prevent MBD.

You have yet to provide any information on heating or lighting. With Monitors, lighting requirements can be debated, heating cannot be. They require substantial heating (I keep mine with a hotspot of about 75*) which, when provided, makes them nearly bullet proof for even the most negligent keeper.
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