Strange lump on Ackies Back! HELP!!!

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Hello everyone!

I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply you all about my tank setup and I am sure this must be just as stressful for you guys as it is for me. It has not that I have been with holding the information on purpose but I am just under alot of pressure at the moment with other things and in all honesty, writing about my setup on a public forum does not take priority, However, getting my animals healthy does.

So i have enlisted the help of a vet whom i will be taking the ackie too this afternoon.

The ackie is in a 18"x18"x3' tank that has both a heat mat and a heat lamp in the basking area and it is at 50-55 degrees with a cooler side of the tank at 23-25 degrees. They also have 5.0 uvb lighting and get 15-30 minutes of natural sunlight a day. I feed them crickets that have been gutloaded every 2 days and I watch till they have eaten them all and as i have observed they all eat there equal shares. The larger of the ackies was from a set of different parents and was part of an abnormally sized set of hatchlings. However, the other three were all from the same batch and they are the ones I am having problems with. I suspect it may indeed be MBD but then why has the other ackie done so well?

Also the other ackies showed no signs of MBD or bullying, I am totally puzzled but I dont appreciate so much hostility for something that I am already paying a severe price for!

Please understand that this upsets me just as much as it would you if not more! I have developed a strong emotional attachment to these beautiful animals and I only ask for your advice in how I can prevent losing this one!

Hopefully the vet will be able to steer me in the right direction but I want to thank you all for giving such good advice!

But dont be so quick to think I am being ignorant by not responding immediately when you arent fully aware of circumstances!

Thank you all!
The ackie is in a 18"x18"x3' tank that has both a heat mat and a heat lamp in the basking area and it is at 50-55 degrees with a cooler side of the tank at 23-25 degrees.
You kept all the ackies in here together? If so that is FAR too small. I have only 2 ackies and they are in a tank that is 1.5m long, 60cm wide and 40cm high. Their basking spot should be around 75 degrees.. put a hotter bulb in.

I suspect it may indeed be MBD but then why has the other ackie done so well?
Because it is bigger. You had 4 ackies crowded together in an enclosure that is too small.. despite what you think I am willing to bet the bigger ackie got more food and bullied the others (or at least intimidated them). How far is the UV from them? Anything between the UV and them? Most importantly - do you dust your crickets with calcium and vitamin powder? There is debate as to whether UV is needed but what IS needed is dietary calcium and vitamins (gutloaded crickets aren't the same as dusted crickets).

... but I dont appreciate so much hostility for something that I am already paying a severe price for!
Your animals are paying the severe price.. not you.
Relax i did not keep them all in there together, two in each and both are the exact same setup! and they could move between the two as the tanks were conjoined. They UV is no more than 20 cm away from them. No i did not dust my crickets i assumed the gutloading would of been adequate. Evidently that was a mistake and I will dust them aswell as gutload them to assure they get the required calcium and vitamins. The ackie shows no signs of distress or disability but I dont want it to get anyworse so needless to say I am taking immediate action. Thanks.
in most cases accies prefer harder loamy substrates in the wild.
everyone is so critical even if they are just arm chair experts.

the size of a reptile depends on the amount of food it takes in etc just because it is 8 months old does not mean it needs to be full size. any reptile be it a monitor or any other kind can be perfectly healthy by being grown at a slower rate.

in saying this MBD could be what this is however a visit to the vet is the best advice.

rather than ragging on this guy maybe just point out how he can improve rather than barrading him for what he has done. he may have researched the husbandry of these guys and its just a case of him using a poor quality supplement or something like that.
in most cases accies prefer harder loamy substrates in the wild.
everyone is so critical even if they are just arm chair experts.

the size of a reptile depends on the amount of food it takes in etc just because it is 8 months old does not mean it needs to be full size. any reptile be it a monitor or any other kind can be perfectly healthy by being grown at a slower rate.

in saying this MBD could be what this is however a visit to the vet is the best advice.

rather than ragging on this guy maybe just point out how he can improve rather than barrading him for what he has done. he may have researched the husbandry of these guys and its just a case of him using a poor quality supplement or something like that.

Thanks man. I'm on top of it. I was just a little annoyed cos i asked for advice not abuse :)
Relax i did not keep them all in there together, two in each and both are the exact same setup! and they could move between the two as the tanks were conjoined. They UV is no more than 20 cm away from them. No i did not dust my crickets i assumed the gutloading would of been adequate. Evidently that was a mistake and I will dust them aswell as gutload them to assure they get the required calcium and vitamins. The ackie shows no signs of distress or disability but I dont want it to get anyworse so needless to say I am taking immediate action. Thanks.

Well... without 'attacking/abusing' you, may I just say that a reptile won't generally show signs of illness or pain. If they were to do it in the wild they would all too quickly become prey, so as a wild animal they still don't show these signs in captivity.

Glad to hear you've taken it in to the vet as that will be the only way to really know, I hope the poor thing pulls through alright.
The vet did indeed say it was MBD and has given me some supplements and such to give to the ackie. Fortunately it wasnt too severe (though i feel like a major *** and for good reason). The ackie is going to be fine and i have learnt a valuable lesson at the expense of my poor ackie. I spoke to the vet about the loss of the other two and she thinks they are unrelated but suggests I seperate the larger ackie and this one until they mature more.

Thank you all for your help and concern :)
Good to hear you're on track. post some photos when he's feeling better ;) and of the biggin'
This is Herbert just chilling :) (he is the larger one and is currently shedding so I didnt hold him for too long)

P.S. He might look small but i assure you he isnt. I am 6'7" and have rather large hands :p


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Also for any one who is interested. Here is my 9 month old jungle carpet python. She escaped (crafty little buggers) in june and I only recently discovered her in my neighbours roof! I live in sydney and we had a bloody cold winter so its a marvel she survived!

Before you pester me I have already treated her for worms and mites!!! :p

But she is looking gorgeous if i say so myself!


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Also for any one who is interested. Here is my 9 month old jungle carpet python. She escaped (crafty little buggers) in june and I only recently discovered her in my neighbours roof! I live in sydney and we had a bloody cold winter so its a marvel she survived!

Before you pester me I have already treated her for worms and mites!!! :p

But she is looking gorgeous if i say so myself!

Not going to pester you about treatment but you might want to 'snake proof' your enclosure.

I'm glad everything worked out for you.
Haha yeah thanks for the advice! It's well and truly snake proof now :)
Hahaha, having considered the flack you just copped with the ackies, I'm surprised you mentioned the snake escaping :p

All lovely looking though, can't wait to get some ackies when I'm home. Good luck!
Well i figured it couldnt get much worse :p. Thanks for your support!
Glad you did the right thing and got the treatment needed, lesson well learnt (and hey, gorgeous animals)! ;)
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