Strange Pygmy Beardie Behaviour??

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Active Member
Jul 25, 2010
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My smallest (so I assume male) pygmy beardie has started behaving very oddly today. He is running up & down the tank, trying to climb up the glass & I can hear him going into his fake hide rock doing what sounds like digging incessantly.

He has a female in with him - she's still really sleepy - most of the day spent lazing about asleep.

I just don't know what's got into him today - it's like he's gone a bit crazy???
hmm it could be alot of things.
what are your current temps, what are u feeding him, is the female dragon bigger than him?, dimensions of enclosures etc just so we can get a better picture and help you.
By the way where did you get your pygmy dragon from as i am desperately after some?
Thanks Grogshia. The dragons are kept in a 4 foot x 2 foot glass enclosure. They eat a mix of meal worms & vegies/fruit. Tried them on crickets (wouldn't eat them) and woodies (they eat them occasionally if they feel like it). Substrate is newspaper. Temps in basking zone 'round the 40 mark.

The female is about twice his size. I got them from a young kid who was selling them on the Central Coast (he wanted to buy a body board instead - lol).
mine boys are doing the same at the moment - I recently seperated my clutch they had been together sinch hatchlings but last week started turning on eachother they both have girls in with them too, so two enclosures displaying the same behaviour - all I can come up with is odd : /
hmm everything sounds ok there. what uvb light are you currently running?? I have heard that some dragons are currently coming out of brumation and are entering a mating period so perhaps your dragon is becoming territorial thus the strange behaviour. The only other thing i can think of is that he feels threatened by the size of the female dragon. People tend to get dominance issues with their dragons once they hit sub adult to adult ages. Maybe take the male out and put him in a temporary enclosure for a week or 2 and see if he calms down
Another thing I just noticed - the male normally sleeps near the warm end & the female sleeps in the hide at the cool end. Well tonight the male is in the hide at the cool end & the female is in the warm spot. Very strange behaviour indeed??
dont assume the smaller one is the male, the link below will assist with the sexing of them, i find i can tell my 'him' from 'her' simply because he has a broader head,

go here -

Bearded Dragon . org - Sexing Your Bearded Dragon

and it will give you pics of what to look for,

as for whats going on with yours, i cant help i'm sorry, mine do enough 'strange' behaviour that i cant figure out, (still sleeping) so i'm certainly not in a position to offer advise on yours LOL
*****. Now the other one is doing it as well. Think they might both have gone insane! :lol:

If it is hormones, or if they're looking to breed, what do I need to do? Play some Barry White music?? Get them some wine?? :lol:
How old are they? if they are younger than a year, id seperate them.
Ok this is what you should do:
seperate them and provide the right heat and lighting for both. (if this is not an option) then i would provide another hide on the cool side and another one on the hot side so both have a spot to sleep.
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