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Here's my male NT BHP

i like the lighter BHP's. nice snakes everyone.
BHP Hatchies

they would have to be the nicest hatchlings ive ever seen :) :D
i got a pic with a 7/8 foot bhp with my brother and sister at the pet porpoise pool in coffs hardbour when we were away on holidays. it was awesome. really nice snake.
OK then, here are some of my mates ones.. I'm after some myself, I'm just soooo picky when it comes to BHP's, not many around that grab my eye, most look good as hatchies:), and most wash out as adults:(






I prefer the last ones... the difference is the first 3 pics are of yearlings and looking their best, the last ones are full size adults and won't get any worse.
Incredible incredible incredible!
I'm going to post a few pics I have question on. None of these are my snakes or my pictures, I just wish they were.
The first is a photo I pulled off a site, I think this one. It is the most reduced pattern I've seen!

Does anyone have photos of it, or one that's also so reduced, as an adult?
Next is a pair produced where I used to work that are now owned by a friend.
He asked if they were Eastern or Western.

Since it is in the US we can only say that it looks like one or the other. I say Western, do you agree?
Last is a strange one. The person I used to work for bought this BHP male as a one of a kind snake. As the story goes, he was hatched in Switzerland
in 1994 and imported to the US. Looked normal until about 2000 when he started to show this look that they called Coral Pink Hypo.

When Joe was sent photos of it he didn't believe they were real. He eventually went to see the snake in person and bought it.
A few years later he sold off all his animals and it is now at Split Rock Reptiles Com.

I think the last photo shows the pink best, there is the normal statement that the photos don't do it justice.
Which is true, he called me out to see it. It was one of the few animals I've ever looked at that thought it didn't seem realistic.
Nice as the Coral Pink Hypo is I rate the bumble bee over it. Have those been reproduced, or is there still just the one?
Again, I didn't take any of these photos. If they are your's and you don't want me
posting them just let me know.
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I'm really hoping to get a reply here.
Does anyone know what's happened with the first one pictured?
Then the last one with the pinkish shades to it. Is it unique, or do they pop up from time to time?
Let me know if you can,
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