Tips on getting a 3 mth old GTP eating after travel....

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Sounds good. Now wait until night, then carefully remove lid and offer pinky on long forceps (20-25cm or even longer) as suggested, nice and warm from the hot water. You will probably have to tap him a bit to get him fired up and snapping, but just persist for a few minutes and there's a good chance of success. If he does show interest immediately, tongue flicking etc, you could slowly withdraw the pink - I usually find they will snap rather than let the meal escape.

Make sure the room itself isn't too cold - little GTPs are so small they lose heat quickly when exposed to cold.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Hi Slats, yes mate thermostate probe is up the hot end, you can now feel the warmth in there now when you open the lid and put your hand in ....
im confused,..

its 3 months old, youve had it fro 2 of those months.

i was under the impression that most dont eat till they have their first shed at around 2 weeks old, so ur feeding records show 11 feeds in a 2-3 week period,...

at least if it really has had 11 feeds its not in any major danger of starving for a few months,....

looks like youve been given heaps of good advice here, so fingers crossed it responds to your efforts. :)
Sorry Chris, it was 3 mths old when i bought it and ive had it almost 2 mths now ... And yes thank you to everyone for their advise, its greatly appreciated ...
ahh, that sounds more feasible,....

good luck with the feeding!!!! :)
Hey guy's, have noticed with some members pic's of their GTP's, young and mature, that they have artificle plants in their containers, is this a must, or a perference...????
Measure the temperature where the snake is, which with a GPT is on the perch.Better still measure thetemperature of the snake with a lazer thermometer.29.5C is the preferred temperature. 99 times out of 100 problems with pythons are caused by incorrect temperature!
is it on a thermostat?
put the thermostat probe above the heat mat
Artificial plants are probably optional - in some cases an insecure animal might get some benefit from the cover they provide.

With the heat on GTP'S its my experience that female greens in particular like it 31-31.5 for at least 2-3 hours a day, given a choice while the males seem to prefer 29+/-,my adult greens are in large enclosures and have a range choice of 23-32 as l use habistat radiators [ceiling mounted]to imitate natural heat souces, these observations have been over a prolonged period and appear to be consistant.....cheers solar 17 [Baden]
Taa Daa, this is it's 3rd meal in 2.5 weeks, and it is attacking it aggressively ... Thanks to everyone who shared their input with me, its greatly appreciated ....2010_0530Green0024.jpg
Well done Fess and everyone else that gave such good advice to him.
I'm impressed by the quality of help that has been given here, especially from Jamie (Pythoninfinite).
This thread has renewed my faith in (these) forums and their place in delivering good outcomes to those that need helpful advice.
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