To Cold??????

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hello hello

I currently have my new diamond hatchi in his click clack he seems fine, good to handle, but he sits in his hide which is on the warm side of click clack the side over the heat mat... the ground temp on warm side flutuates between 27-29 on warm side this is due to thermostat coming on and off. Could this mean he is to cold.

thanks tom
Snakes know what they're doing temperature wise, some of my snakes always stay in the cold end and some always stay in the hot end, even when the temperature is 36ºc they seems to love it, Then I have others that move between both ends. I wouldn't be concerned,
I don't think it's anything to worry about.
I would recommend moving the hide into the cold end though.
It's generally better to have them go in search of heat - it simulates their search for a basking spot, and it gets them used to movement around their enclosure - If they're in the hide all the time, they never have any reason to leave, and they don't get used to your presence as much.
I dont know if it makes a difference but i have a hide on a warm spot and a hide on a cold spot and when i handle my pythons or clean their enclosures i put them in the hide that they werent in when i took em out, just to let them know they have that option
if that makes sense at all
I agree with Matt here. If over the heat is the only place for him to hide, then that is where he'll be. While the temps sound fine, it is still possible that overheating can happen. But if outside that box looks to open and scarey he won't come out. Is your heat mat on a thermostat?

I lost a hatchling python once after he was burnt from heat off a heatcord. It was on a thermo but it had stopped working. I failed to check my equipment to make sure it was all working properly. The only place I had for him to hide was over the heat. From dry belly to red raw burn in one day, I then checked my temps with my Infrared thermometer and knew straight away the thermo. had stopped working. When I thought he was responding well to antibiotics and burns cream, he bled to death whilst trying to shed, 4 weeks later.

Another thing to consider too is that diamonds are nocturnal. So its their natural right to hide during the day and only venture out at night. Try dimming the lights at night and see if he will come out. But I still recommend moving the hidebox off the heat. Near is fine, but not directly on it. I also recommend, when buying heat equipment, buy only as powerful as you need. Don't depend on a thermostat to keep the temps down, as one day it will fail, the heat climbs and will cook your pet. If you need a thermostat to stop the temps going too high, you need to downsize your heat mat.
I have 2 hide boxes one on warm side and one on cool end should i remove the one on warm end
I keep ours with a hide on the cold end. If they want to heat up they will go down the hot end.
no worries ill remove the hide down the warm end and ill keep just the one down the cool end, should i then worry if he never comes out of the cool end hide, because he may be to scared to come out to warm up
Watch it and see what it does, ours move around to suit. They are all over the tub at times and at other times you don't see them. Especially when they have a full belly.
32 hot end, 25 cool end if you are wondering.
what is the warmest i could put the ground temp on my warm side in click clack for hatchi diamond. currently futuating between 27 and 29 so not just one constent temp
Thanks dee4. do you have a diamond

Yes mate, I have diamonds. adults & Hatchies also.

what is the warmest i could put the ground temp on my warm side in click clack for hatchi diamond. currently futuating between 27 and 29 so not just one constent temp

like I said, I run the hot end on the floor at approx 32 and the cold end at 25 give or take a degree.
i had my warm end in the click clack at 30 degrees at first but people said it was to hot for a diamond
what's the temp at the cool end? I would imagine it's not the hole tub that's going to be at 30 degrees is it?
Hello hello

I currently have my new diamond hatchi in his click clack he seems fine, good to handle, but he sits in his hide which is on the warm side of click clack the side over the heat mat... the ground temp on warm side flutuates between 27-29 on warm side this is due to thermostat coming on and off. Could this mean he is to cold.

thanks tom

no it means you just got it and it needs time to settle down, leave a hide at both ends so it can move if it wants to. you also could have a small dowel so it can climb if it wants :)
What temp did the breeder have it at, you should have it the same.
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