Tropical Cyclone Hamish

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Port Hinchinbrook is not on Cyclone warning that is i why it has no sting.
Im in Mackay and absoloutely *******ing. Any advice on what to do with a room full of reptiles?
The news this morning said the effects of Hamish may even be felt in Vic, in the form of rain. Please, please, please!!!
Ally, try these links for general preparation: Book_11oct07.pdf

As for the room, make sure that everything is turned off and if it's ground level on a highset that power leads etc are off the floor, fill water bowls in cages, if theres windows then tape them up as you would in the other rooms, maybe consider packing the snakes in pillow cases inside a click clack where possible if you think you'll be evacuated and want to take them with you.

Funny how differently you view these things over time. When I was a kid in Darwin we'd think it was the best thing ever and plan parties at the evacuation centre :shock:
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How long do you think us QLDers down further have been WISHING FOR RAIN?mmmmmm try years said before yes understand that the brunt can and does cause damage but the rain that could come from Hamish will be a much needed want and so alot of us do hope we get it chose to live in a well known cyclone area yet ,alot of you get on the huff n puff if a cyclone forms ...I dont wish you any harm in no way but reality check FNQ is a great place to cop good cyclones always has been not just something new do your best to be prepared and wait it out ...if you dont want to be in an area of cyclone habitat then I suggest you move ... sometimes you just gotta cop some bad to get a lot of good .

Not really sure what your point is mate. No where in my statement did I say I don't like living here. I merely stated that a cyclone is nothing to be joked about. Damn, talk about going off on the wrong track.

As for your drought dramas, these are also terrible. I lived in central Vic for 17 years and will be returning there shortly, so please don't treat me like a naive child.
I understand where you're coming from FNQ, I certainly would never wish for a cyclone this bad to hit any where, I was excited earlier thinking that it would hit land at a cat 2, maybe 3. Im hoping that when it hits land, it has lost alot of its power, but unfortunatley, I think Hamish might hit Cat. 5. We certainly dont want this!

Good luck for everyone up north over the next few days, lets see what it does down in SE Qld, havnt had one here in a looooong time.

Will chuck some more pics up in a sec for any one interested.
It brings on alot work , during these hard finicial times .

Rockman your just one sick puppy;). Did you say the same thing with the vic bushfires?
Yep i live in mackay, and by choice, and with the knowledge of been possibly hit by a cyclone. You obviously havnt lived or gone thru a natural disaster, to see the devestation and destruction caused by these natural phenomonoms.
You are probably one of the scabs that go into areas that have been destroyed by a natural disaster and do some dodgy work and rip the vulnerable off.

Hey Alley hang in there you know you can ring anytime;)...AND MAKE SURE YOU DO:D
I don't know why so many people are getting excited about a bloody cyclone? You must be a bunch of sadistic morons. A cyclone causes nothing but destruction and runs the livelihoods of many many Australians. And this one (which looks like it may just beat Larry for the worst one) is heading toward more communities than Larry touched. I went through Larry and it was not a nice thing.

Sure, mother nature is beautiful, but when she is destroying everything it is quite ugly.
I believe FNQ all was well on this thread UNTILL you called us names your hostile approach rubbed up the wrong way ...if you bothered to read from start to finish ..everytime we quoted we hope it moves down south and also said we arent wishing any harm on anybody not once did we name call or anything so maybe its you that is in need to say sorry for your name calling mmmmmmmm...anyone in that mack area hope you all get through it safe tonight ,with minute damage to property ,but as i said before I hope he still comes like some of us on here ..we want the rain ..and if it means a bit of sacrifice so that VIC gets a good soak then I am all for it even more .
Thats the one redbelly, the best case scenario would be for it to keep going sth and turn into a rain depresion and give all the southern staes the water they need, fingers crossed:)
hey ally you can put them all in pillow cases, as kerston says, and then put them in the bath tub with a mattress on the bottom and one on top for a bit of protection.
Hang in there tho you will be allright;)
Thanks Dave :)
Glad Im not in that purple zone but. Only a couple of streets away. Went past amart and windmill houses, goosepondsa about 3/4 a foot away from there already
Uh oh...
Not looking good at all, hate to admit it, but I was right, Cat 5 by the morning...
Look out Mackay & Mayman Is. We are suppose to be getting rain and strong winds here on the Sunshine Coast by tomorrow evening, obviously getting worse as the week goes on.
Here's a few pics and a forecast map .Have to admit, looks amazing!



That second picture looks like an evil eye in the sky !!

My in laws are in Hervey Bay, wonder if it will get down that far.

Hmmmm, not looking forward to the next few days, hope everyone up there is okay and that it turns tail and heads further out to sea before it gets here.
That second picture looks like an evil eye in the sky !!

My in laws are in Hervey Bay, wonder if it will get down that far.


I think they will get hit, but not very bad. Hopefully!

What site do you get your updated pictures dan ??

The 1st one in the top left hand side is the 1st image in my last post, all the other links below are other various satellite images of the cyclone.
Thanks Dave :)
Glad Im not in that purple zone but. Only a couple of streets away. Went past amart and windmill houses, goosepondsa about 3/4 a foot away from there already
yeh i was just looking at the zones and fortunately we are high and dry. I hope you stay cool. Dont know what its like at your place but its blowing its nut off here, cant even have the windows open the rain is blowing straight in. Looks like it could be a long night, and now it looks like i gotta go over to andergrove to pick up jess:shock:
Grandparent s in NT just called all worried with whether I had an alternate place to go to if hit here... I had too calm them down and tell them that if does hit I'll be at work and quite safe seeing it won't get to Gladstone til bout midday monday if it gets here...
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