Tropical Cyclone Hamish

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Hervey Bay is only a hop skip and a jump away ...2 n a bit hrs away ....might go n pack up my plastic chairs n put em in the shed :)...and get my washing done early :) ...the thing is its as still as, here at the moment ..
We might actually get some rain if he keeps comming down wow rain! Might have to go 4 a drive up the coast too i think
I don't know why so many people are getting excited about a bloody cyclone? You must be a bunch of sadistic morons. A cyclone causes nothing but destruction and runs the livelihoods of many many Australians. And this one (which looks like it may just beat Larry for the worst one) is heading toward more communities than Larry touched. I went through Larry and it was not a nice thing.

Sure, mother nature is beautiful, but when she is destroying everything it is quite ugly.
each to their own FNQ ....yes we know that they can be very destructive,and at times cause life loss ..but so does years of drought,something you up far north dont seem to have to worry about ...have to take the good with the bad at times and this is one of them ....come on hamish is all I can say ..
I have to agree with you FNQ_Snake, they loose their novelty pretty quickly once you have been through a couple, (especially when you have young children)
I don't know why so many people are getting excited about a bloody cyclone? You must be a bunch of sadistic morons. A cyclone causes nothing but destruction and runs the livelihoods of many many Australians. And this one (which looks like it may just beat Larry for the worst one) is heading toward more communities than Larry touched. I went through Larry and it was not a nice thing.

Sure, mother nature is beautiful, but when she is destroying everything it is quite ugly.

We don't want it to destroy everything as well as life's obviously, just a bit of strong wind and some rain. If it stays as a cat 4 or whatever, we don't want it to hit any land at all.
With every update, the forecast path for this monster is getting closer and closer to us!
I reckon we'll be feeling quite a bit by 10th/11th

Gahh! my mums up there when we were on the phone she forgot to mention there was a cyclone right outside were she was holidaying.. nice one mum.
i wouldn't rely on the predicted tracking maps. cyclones can change directions with in hours.
we can only hope whitey that Hamish comes ............I want him more then "
cyclones are destructive in many ways those who wish for Hamish your off your head try thinking of the harm they cause and the people who are still recovering , there are people in Innisfail still recovering form Larry there is no quick fix. if anything wish for rain not Hamish.
How long do you think us QLDers down further have been WISHING FOR RAIN?mmmmmm try years said before yes understand that the brunt can and does cause damage but the rain that could come from Hamish will be a much needed want and so alot of us do hope we get it chose to live in a well known cyclone area yet ,alot of you get on the huff n puff if a cyclone forms ...I dont wish you any harm in no way but reality check FNQ is a great place to cop good cyclones always has been not just something new do your best to be prepared and wait it out ...if you dont want to be in an area of cyclone habitat then I suggest you move ... sometimes you just gotta cop some bad to get a lot of good .
we can only hope whitey that Hamish comes ............I want him more then "

if it dosn't im sure there would be plenty of volunteers that would come around and destroy your house and possessions for free. but for killing life you would probably have to borrow an arsonists from down south to kill you, your family, your friends and your pets.
How long do you think us QLDers down further have been WISHING FOR RAIN?mmmmmm try years said before yes understand that the brunt can and does cause damage but the rain that could come from Hamish will be a much needed want and so alot of us do hope we get it chose to live in a well known cyclone area yet ,alot of you get on the huff n puff if a cyclone forms ...I dont wish you any harm in no way but reality check FNQ is a great place to cop good cyclones always has been not just something new do your best to be prepared and wait it out ...if you dont want to be in an area of cyclone habitat then I suggest you move ... sometimes you just gotta cop some bad to get a lot of good .

cyclones don't carry much rain. not enough to give you what is needed anyway.
the rain depression does guys up north cop the main wind destruction and we get the good rain ....
your not going to get any where near the mass amount of rain needed. There's barley any moderate falls.
I live here because i choose to live here and as a matter of factly i would not choose to live elsewhere BUT i am not such person to wish to have a cyclone what i do is to prepare for one instead. Like most people where they live they live to there conditions and make the best of it. i would never wish any place to have droughts, cyclones or fires but this nature at its best or worst. I live with it But to wish for it is another thing.
all I know is the wind has been picking up all afternoon hopefully it will hit us south east qlders with rain ...and you guys way up north relax its passed you lot..whitey is still under threat though..Cyclone Warning between Innisfail and Lucinda has been CANCELLED.
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