turtle help

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eden roscoe

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2007
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hey, im looking for some advise about my murray short neck hatchlings. one of them has formed a small skin disorder on one of his rear legs. for this i have been drying him out, aplying betadine to the area and leaving him out for a further 2 hours, i do this twice a day. this treatment seems to be working but what i am worried about is the same skin disorder around his eyelids. i am not sure about the treatment of this as it is near his eye. what should i do about treating this problem, cheers eden.
hey, im looking for some advise about my murray short neck hatchlings. one of them has formed a small skin disorder on one of his rear legs. for this i have been drying him out, aplying betadine to the area and leaving him out for a further 2 hours, i do this twice a day. this treatment seems to be working but what i am worried about is the same skin disorder around his eyelids. i am not sure about the treatment of this as it is near his eye. what should i do about treating this problem, cheers eden.
how many hatchlings have u got ? has only one have the skin issues?
i would see a vet , as hatchlings can get very sick very fast .
It's always best to see a vet for professional help first.
Please take your turtle in, as their may be a really simple solution to your problem.
Of course, if you're not happy with what the vet suggests (for eg. euthanasia) forums are a great place for second hand advice.
The skin disorder is more than likely cause by fighting between the two turtles. Try to seperate the two for a while and continue the betadine treatment. the betaine should be diluted with water the resemble weak tea.
What i normally do is seperate them for a while and each day put them in a tub of water mixed with a bit of betadine (not to much), repeat this for about a week or so, Then do a FULL water change in the tank, clean filters, heaters, let every thing dry in direct sun light. You should be right after that.
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