Turtles favourite food?

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Not so new Member
Mar 17, 2009
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I want to get my turtle something different and special to eat on christmas day. So what do they really like to eat, like is there some fish or something i could buy relitiveley easily thats frozen or something.
For example: pilchard or squid?

i gave mine a 2 week old rat, fresh killed. he absolutely loved it. took him about 30 mins to rip it all open and eat it.
How big is your turtle? Ever used feeder fish?

I don’t know about other states, but here in SA it is illegal to feed a live vertebrae animal to another, including feeder fish. Any pet shop in Adelaide caught selling a fish (usually rosy barbs) as feeder fish can get a fine of up to $10,000. Maybe that’s different in other places I don’t know, but just make sure it’s actually legal before you do it. Or just make sure whatever you feed your critters is dead first.
It's not legal in any state.
It's also not legal to knowingly neglect an animals health.
i buy feeder fish for my turtle all the time, and yabbies. he loves em. oh and feeder goldfish.
yeah same. i breed my gold fish and yabbies just for turtle and beardie food
Yeah i do see that alot ? a pet shop has like a massive tank FULL of feeder fish and yabbies
You could feed him a pinky mouse as a "treat", also if you were to feed it something that has been caught in saltwater, I'm pretty sure you need to soak it in freshwater for a few hours.
It is Legal in NSW, Pet Shops all around Sutherland Shire Sell feeder fish.

It's not legal anywhere in Australia under RSPCA's Fin, Fur & Feather policy.
Just because a law isn't actively enforced, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
When was the last time you were charged for jay walking?
Not very common though.
I also know 2 pet store owners who have been charged with this.
One is still in goal for this & other offences
I used to buy 'Feeder' yabbies as pets because they would only cost me like $2 and if cared for they grew pretty damn big ! But yeah i knew it was illegal to feed live mice so why shouldnt it be the same...
It is illegal to sell feeder fish in pet shops, we sell b-grade, cull and uncoloured goldfish and live bearers but never feeder fish, I do know that people buy them for food though.
Yabbies are an inverterbrate and legally we can sell those as live food, bugs have no feelings.
$2 a yabbie is a bit much though we sell them for 70 cents each.
I often get feeder fish for my aussie native fish (gudgeon etc), they are mad for em. Whether it's legal or not, I don't know, but there are a few shops I get them from & they all advertise them as "Feeder Fish". Have been getting them for years & hope I still will be able to get them. They are usually barbs, but one shop also has a customer that supplies them with excess baby koi (not regular goldfish, koi) which are good as they are a more robust size than the barbs. Also the barbs are pretty cluey & can make life difficult for the predatory fish to catch them, whereas the koi just sit there & get eaten.
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