Hey people,
another post but this one has good info on it lol
I just found this on the AFT site
Bloodworms are larvae of the mosquito-like midge family Chironomidae (Order Diptera, Class Insecta). Almost all chironomids have aquatic larval and pupal stages. They have a world-wide distribution and occur in running waters (streams and rivers), standing waters (lakes and wetlands), and in waters that range from fresh to saline, from fast flowing to completely still and stagnant.
There may be more than 2000 species but only a small number have been formally identified. There is little difficulty in recognising the larvae; they are small, distinctly segmented worm-like animals. Although, they are not a true worm due to their exoskeleton and small clawed legs. Their colour is variable; some common ones are white, green, yellow, or deep red. The last is due to the presence in the larval blood of a red pigment, erythrocruorin, the presence of which is of respiratory advantage in waters with low levels of dissolved oxygen (stagnant pools). Some are also transparent and are commonly known as Glassworms. However, only those that contain erythrocruorin are red and hence the common name "Bloodworm". In some regions they are also known as "Red Mosquito Larvae".
Chironomidae larvae and pupae are highly nutritious and nourishing and constitute one of the staple food items of rainbowfishes in their natural environment. Chemical analysis shows that bloodworms contain 9.3% dry matter and of this there is 62.5% crude protein, 10.4% crude fat and 11.6% ash with 15.4% nitrogen free extract. They are also a good source of iron for the fish since they contain haemoglobin.
To conclude, providing you defrost your bloodworm's in cold water and not warm or hot water, which would diminish what nutritional value that they have,
it would be ok to feed them once weekly to baby turtles and fish.