Turtles favourite food?

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I buy fish to keep with my turtles as I think it looks good.
They do dissappear though, I think they get out somehow?
So I just have to buy some more.
well, if you say feeding a turtle or the likes feeder fish is illegal, what about feeding beardies live cricket and stuff........

chuck a few feeder fish in there, and he will love it haha also fun to watch the turtle chase them
I buy fish to keep with my turtles as I think it looks good.
They do dissappear though, I think they get out somehow?
So I just have to buy some more.
same Gary we are always putting fish in the turtle tank I think they evapourate on hot days or something
Being in Qld you arnt allowed to feed them live fish, shrimp or crays. You can still feed them live insects, but think of the poor insects :lol:

Turtles like eating most animals, just keep in mind if you feed them large meaty items it can make quite a mess when they tear it up.
Try wombaroo insectivore mix mixed with water and a bit of gelatine and then freeze into ice cube trays...my turtles love it

I want to get my turtle something different and special to eat on christmas day. So what do they really like to eat, like is there some fish or something i could buy relitiveley easily thats frozen or something.
For example: pilchard or squid?


I love this question......... seen it twice on aps so far and both times I say "dress them up in ninja outfits and feed em pizza. They love it!"
Never gets old.......................... ok yes it's very old! :rolleyes:
gary chill its perfectly legal in Victoria to feed feeder fish to things. show where in the law it says its illegal.
I suggest that you do a search on RSPCA's website.
I have given you the information, I'm not going to hold your hand.
Do with it as you will, as you can clearly see from an earlier post of mine, I do keep fish with turtles.
well, if you say feeding a turtle or the likes feeder fish is illegal, what about feeding beardies live cricket and stuff........

chuck a few feeder fish in there, and he will love it haha also fun to watch the turtle chase them

gary chill its perfectly legal in Victoria to feed feeder fish to things. show where in the law it says its illegal.

It is illegal in South Australia to feed a live vertebrae animal (a critter with a spine i.e. mice, rats, feeder fish, lizards) to another animal. Insects are not a vertebrae animal and so they are exempt. Like I said I don’t know the law in other states, but here in South Australia it is illegal, and any pet store found selling feeder fish will get a fine of up to $10,000, and lose any membership with the PIAA for not complying with their standards of welfare.
I suggest that you do a search on RSPCA's website.

For those interested, this is all I could find on the RSPCA website

Can I feed live mice to a reptile? - RSPCA Australia knowledgebase

Can I feed live mice to a reptile?
There are very few, if any, vertebrate-eating reptile species that will not eat anything other than live food in captivity. Where reptiles require a diet of whole vertebrate animals, such as mice, they should be provided with humanely pre-killed prey. Steps should be taken to increase the likelihood that the reptile will accept pre-killed prey, for example, ensuring a dead mouse carcass is adequately heated prior to offering it to a reptile.

Feeding live prey should only ever be considered when a reptile will not accept pre-killed prey and is expected to die from starvation if not offered live prey.

Is feeding live prey legal?
The legality of feeding live mice to reptiles depends upon the relevant State/Territory legislation and relevant code of practice. In some States, the code recommends that reptiles should not be fed live food for their own protection and all vertebrate-eating reptiles must be encouraged to take dead food. In others it is recommended that: live vertebrates are not used as a food unless they are required absolutely as a food source by a species or individual animal; live rodents should not be left in a reptile enclosure overnight or for an extended period; and wild-caught rodents should not be used. However, these codes of practice are not enforceable by law and are therefore recommendations only
I have feeder fish in the tank, but its a big tank and they have plenty of space to outrun him. It evens it all out as the ones that get sickly are slower and the turt picks them off. I cant see a problem with that.

Heres something really cruel though, when i was a little kid i was curious if a fish could swim in lemonade. Poor poor thing, i will never forget that...
AHH tonksy you beat me to it!!!! I was gonna put that RSPCA thingy up.
I have contacted RSPCA Queensland about this issue and I will post it their reply when I receive it.
I believe it is legal for feeder fish in the tank only if they have a way of getting away from the turtles. It is still a limited area but as long as they can get in places that the turtles can't get into it should be legal as this is happens in the wild. Still poor fish :(
My turtle's LOVE blood worms if that helps u find a special food. They also LOVE my fingers haha but thats probably not a good diet for them.
Turtles like eating most animals, just keep in mind if you feed them large meaty items it can make quite a mess when they tear it up.

Agreed, thats where a "feeding tub/tank" comes in handy.

Cheers, Jake
Chocolate and alcohol are bad for people yet people still have them.
Blood worms are fine as long as they are not the only food the turtle receives.. As a treat once in a while it is fine.
Because only animals with backbones are important and feel pain..... anything else is to be eaten / killed in any manner you wish...

i never knew about that pain thing. thats strange!!! apparently they don't have a central nervous system!
Chocolate and alcohol are bad for people yet people still have them.
Blood worms are fine as long as they are not the only food the turtle receives.. As a treat once in a while it is fine.

You have the choice to eat junk food & clog your arteries, etc.
Turtles don't, that's the difference.
Blood worms & turtle dinners are definately not to be fed to turtles, at least by people who care about their turtles.
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