unkown colours of snake

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Aug 29, 2010
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i have a 2 yearold murray darwin python who is show colours of fluro yellow (like the highlighter yellow) underneath him. is this normal or do you guys think that he might be a het? im not to sure as his sister is slowly turning to a lighter colour like him. i just haven't seen snakes this colour before is this normal????
thanks guys:D
you should post a pic of his belly as it will make it easier to tell?

May i ask what would it make it easier to tell? A het animal only carries
a gene it does not display it!

Besides the original poster doesnt even know what sort of snake they have by what is written above :?
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Highlighter yellow underneath? I'm betting its a DARWIN. not a Murray Darwin, unless you bought some weird cross breed..:lol:

And NO this is not a sign of it being a Het. the only way to know its a 100% het is by buying from a breeder that you trust or DNA testing.

and check the 'darwin thread' on here, you will see they come in all sorts of colour variations, thats the appeal of Darwins,
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