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Active Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Hey all,

It's been a little while since my last post regarding my little snake who appeared to look dehydrated and for lack of a better word - deflated?

I ended up taking him to a reptile specialist vet here in Brisbane who checked him out, weighed him (he'd lost 21% 😔) agreed that he was definitely on the small side, slightly dehydrated and possibly stressed.

They kept him there for two weeks while he got back to good health, fed him twice which he took thank goodness!! (After 5 months) and shed a perfect shed. His one and only shed with me took 3 weeks and came off in tiny pieces.

When it came time to bring him home he looked a thousand percent better, even better than when I got him from the pet shop. I was blown away by his brightness and the way he looked and acted.

I've had him home for just over a week now in which he has eaten and is looking happy and healthy and doing normal snake behaviors. I am not handling him what so ever either.

His set up is the click clack I was suggested I make but with all four sides blacked out (he is extremely shy) paper towel, cardboard box hide, small shallow water bowl sitting in a darkened temp controlled room. I've noticed that with the sides blacked out of the container he is actually comfortable being out in the open at times also. I have copied the vets set up almost to the tee to try and emulate the same conditions here at home and it appears to be working.

I know a lot of people here are against vets but if you can find one who only sees reptiles, has many years of experience and also keeps snakes at home themselves then it was absolutely worth it. The cost for him to stay there was not expensive what so ever and honestly I cannot put a price on my snakes health and well being. I am glad I trusted my gut and took him.

Hopefully his good health and eating continues through summer and he can grow a little bit. He's only 16 grams 🐍

As mentioned before I won't be posting questions on the forum but thought I should probably visit and update anyone who may be interested in how our journey panned out.

Thanks to everyone for the advice given also.

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Good result mate.

Doesn't seem like much fun as a companion if you can't get him out to commune and he doesn't show off in his tank though,....

Snakes don't care what their enclosure looks like as long as it has what they need and they also aren't fussed on being held either. Both those things are purely for our benefit. That being said though, it's only temporary until he is established feeding a bit more. He's only very small and young so plenty of time to have him in a larger enclosure when he's actually ready for it. He's great to handle as well but it's important that he has substantial time to just de stress and get comfortable. Baby steps !
Hey all,

It's been a little while since my last post regarding my little snake who appeared to look dehydrated and for lack of a better word - deflated?

I ended up taking him to a reptile specialist vet here in Brisbane who checked him out, weighed him (he'd lost 21% 😔) agreed that he was definitely on the small side, slightly dehydrated and possibly stressed.

They kept him there for two weeks while he got back to good health, fed him twice which he took thank goodness!! (After 5 months) and shed a perfect shed. His one and only shed with me took 3 weeks and came off in tiny pieces.

When it came time to bring him home he looked a thousand percent better, even better than when I got him from the pet shop. I was blown away by his brightness and the way he looked and acted.

I've had him home for just over a week now in which he has eaten and is looking happy and healthy and doing normal snake behaviors. I am not handling him what so ever either.

His set up is the click clack I was suggested I make but with all four sides blacked out (he is extremely shy) paper towel, cardboard box hide, small shallow water bowl sitting in a darkened temp controlled room. I've noticed that with the sides blacked out of the container he is actually comfortable being out in the open at times also. I have copied the vets set up almost to the tee to try and emulate the same conditions here at home and it appears to be working.

I know a lot of people here are against vets but if you can find one who only sees reptiles, has many years of experience and also keeps snakes at home themselves then it was absolutely worth it. The cost for him to stay there was not expensive what so ever and honestly I cannot put a price on my snakes health and well being. I am glad I trusted my gut and took him.

Hopefully his good health and eating continues through summer and he can grow a little bit. He's only 16 grams 🐍

As mentioned before I won't be posting questions on the forum but thought I should probably visit and update anyone who may be interested in how our journey panned out.

Thanks to everyone for the advice given also.

thanks for the update, I'm glad you sorted it out and found the right vet. We don't hate vets but advise to look for an exotic vet as dog and cat vets don't have the experience. Not knocking vets per se but some don't understand cold blooded creatures which are a whole different ballgame.
As you say price is not important, your mates health is all that matters.
All the best with your little mate and don't be shy about showing us your scaley friend as he grows and changes

Snakes don't care what their enclosure looks like as long as it has what they need and they also aren't fussed on being held either. Both those things are purely for our benefit. That being said though, it's only temporary until he is established feeding a bit more. He's only very small and young so plenty of time to have him in a larger enclosure when he's actually ready for it. He's great to handle as well but it's important that he has substantial time to just de stress and get comfortable. Baby steps !
Of course they don't care what their tank looks like. I meant solely for your benefit. If we didn't care about our environment what would be the point of art?

I disagree that they don't like being held. I've even found wild snakes that seem very happy in my arms. My guys love getting out of their enclosure.
As mentioned, he will have a very artistic setup at some point. He has had them previous but right now this is what he needs. I don't really feel like justifying why I am doing what I'm doing..we all do things differently and I'm doing what's best for MY snake for the NOW. Mine also seems fine to be held as well. It sounds like your snakes are living and loving life and that's great.
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Second feed taken tonight so I must be doing something correct.

We're both slowly regaining some confidence. I'm very happy.
That is so great to hear. I am looking after my daughter's bredli x jungle juvie and it hasn't eaten since she got it about two months ago. I was starting to stress heaps. We've spent a fortune on pinkie rats that it wasn't interested in. It seems to like being held and can be feisty until gets used to your scent, but I thought, I might not handle it for a couple of days and then see how we go....and we fed it in the dark....it actually took the pinky rat...so relieved.
Great news!
Continue to not handle, feed in dark and keep enclosure very very basic and simple until he takes quite a few more feeds. I assume your hot spot temps are correct also ?
Great news!
Continue to not handle, feed in dark and keep enclosure very very basic and simple until he takes quite a few more feeds. I assume your hot spot temps are correct also ?
It's fairly humid where we live and I am currently waiting for a thermostat to come in the mail so hopefully that will be good soon. I have an infrared temp gun I use to take the temps with at random times.
It's fairly humid where we live and I am currently waiting for a thermostat to come in the mail so hopefully that will be good soon. I have an infrared temp gun I use to take the temps with at random times.
I'm in Brisbane and it's hot as atm. Mine still loves his 32-34 degree hot spot. He's in a temp controlled room though so his cool side is a comfortable 24-26 degrees.