URGENT ADVICE: Feeding-Stimson Python

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Not so new Member
Apr 19, 2009
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My (approx) 15 month old Stimmie - Rupert has a normal and very good appetite. He was fed about 5-7 days ago and will not take his feed this time round. He usually eats every 7-10 days - I know when to but, I just went to feed him and he came right up to the feed, sniffed about and turned away. I left it for about 30 min and tried again but it seemed that he was...not interested AT ALL. He seemed irritated about the feed! Turning away and trying to 'outrun' wherever i presented it. His temps haven't changed, its 22-24 cool and 28-31 in hot. He has been a bit less active than his usual self but came out today (this evening) and is at the cooler end of the tank (where he spends most of his time) or directly in middle. Is there a reason WHY he doesn't seem to want to eat.

What do I do from here? Leave it for a few days and try feeding him again later? I was told to increase his temp 30-32 so that in early morn his cool end wouldn't be below 25 deg. Is he going into hibernation mode? Suggestions are welcomed!


Worried Owner!
First, relax its only been a week :p 2nd, leave him for a few more days then give it another go, brain the mouse if necessary or just annoy him with it until it takes. Snakes can last a bit longer then 5-7 days without having to become remotley worried, just breath easy and give it tiiime.
yes relax is the best thing you can do for both you and ruperthe might be coming up to a shed and pythons can go months with out food
Thank you for your advice. I shall try to stop stressing so much but its hard when this is a new ball game. He shed in April-can he go again?
We have a 10yr old male stimmie who will stop eating in Jan and will not feed untill the end of breeding season in October. This year we had a series of days of 38 degrees in Jan and then the temps dropped off rapidly for a couple of days, it was not difficult to get his temps buck up but he still would not feed. This is a common occourance for him (same thing for the last 3 years thet we have had him). There are alot more factors to consider than just temps, some that are out of our control. At 18 months a few days without food is not a concern, even if he does not feed for a few months he will be ok. providing he is in good condition. Hope this helps.
Most likely if hes only 15 months and your still feeding him every 5-7 days :p Is he looking a little greyish more then usual
A:- He's just not hungry, 7-10 days is a little to often for a python of that age would look at going out to atleast 12-14 days.

B:- Is he due for a shed, looking a little pale, etc

C:- Hibernation, it is the season although you have not changed the tembs the ambient temp has changed and he will no that it is time.

Don't panic at 18 months it will not hurt him to be without food for a month or 2 especially at this time of year. Wait a few weeks and then try again
He had a shed in late April. And I think your right about the temps. Im trying to feel my way about. He is looking very healthy-still pretty active and knows what is goin on but is a little test/stroppy than usual.
So I leave him be...
I have a male stimmie (Barrie) he'll be 15 months at the end of this month. I've had him for 2 months. He's the first retile I've ever had.
I haven't lowered his viv temps but they are still a little lower because the room temp has become cooler due to it being winter. Barrie hasn't stopped feeding yet....however, I've been told that he may well stop about now, even for a couple of months. I know how anxious you can be, but I'm prepared for the fact that he may stop eating, and as others have suggested he may be getting ready for a shed. Do you keep a diary of what he does and when he does it ? I find that very helpful. I've been feeding Barrie every 7 days with weaner mice, but this time he went 10 days and I gave him a weaner and a small adult mouse....he gobbled them up. Hang in there, and don't stress....others have been in your situation too....

Cheers and good luck, Annie :)
Adult mice every 12-14, over winter expect that to extend out even if you maintain temps, to probably every 20 days if he wants to eat at all. If he is hunting around his enclosure then try him if not then I would just let him be.
Annie (and others :))
Thank you for those words. I do keep a track of his behaviour feeding etc but, forgot to do so over the last fortnight or so, so I am a little confused around the date range of feeding-but pretty confident that its not over 8-10 days ago :). I am giving him weaner mice at the moment but, will try your suggestion. It's hard not to not worry but like you said-hang in there :).
I have noticed that alot of people hav alot of different opinions as to when to feed (regularity etc)... as others have said, just relax and try again in a week or two, if not leave it a bit longer, but hibernation mode is also activated by the less daylight etc and if it doesnt eat again for a while, dont stress too much, I have noticed from my own experiences that stimmies are much more likely to stop eating at this time compared to my carpet who has NEVER refused a feed... One of my stimmo's goes reguarly stops eating for months on end at this time of the year...

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