Using nitrogen to kill rats

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considering it is 78% of what you take in with each breath i would consider nitrogen reasonably friendly to the environment!
oh, and i must point out that i am not advocating suffocating rats with either CO2 or nitrogen.
pick up rat, swing by tail into concrete = humane rodent death.
For the sake of a $30 soda syphon and $20 worth of soda bulbs is it worth the risk and inconvienience of knocking off gas from work. CO2 gassing is nominated as a humane method of euthanasia. I dont believe nitrogen gassing is.
i dont have a problem with breaking the rats necks or belting them on the head, its just because i have about 70 to do i was looking for an easier and quicker way.

I have seen the soda stream gas chambers and this is what i originaly wanted to do but im struggling to find one in west Melbourne. Ive used the store locator and been to quite a few stores and asked but no one seems to have them. also have looked at second hand one but nothing. If anyone knows somwhere that sells them in west Melbourne please pm me.

My dads allowed to borrow the cylinder aslong as it back the next day.

i ll have to neck them i suppose till i find somthing better. if anyone has used nitrogen though would love to hear from you.

Thanks for everyones input.
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