Vet's Consultation Fee ??

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Jan 21, 2009
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I rang a vet which was recommended as a "lizard" friendly vet so I knew what I would be up for, and was shocked at the cost for the consult of a 12 week old Bearded Dragon.

How much do you get charged JUST for the consultation fee when you take your lizard to the vet?
most vets will charge around 50 for any animal of any size or shape for just a walk in consult then what ever u need on top of that

thats what i found here in s.a anyway when i was calling around for a vet a few wks ago
Thats what good animal care costs.... otherwise you can get the "internet forum consult." Cheaper, but can be wildly inaccurate.

Around $50 or so is standard, regardles of the animal. I have to pay $55 when I need to take a mouse to the vet.
can i ask why you pay $55 to take a mouse to the vet, is it something special?.

well a) because I believe that when you purchase an animal, you are morally obliged to provide it with care so it remains in good health, no matter the cost of the animal (I've had mice with tumors, and also with colds/RIs)

and b) yes I do have special mice - Seal pointed Burmese, long hair manx etc. Even one sent from Perth via AAE. And, sadly, these 'fancy' mice tend to get tumors much more often. Hence I am no longer aquiring them nor breeding them.

i have sulpher crested cockies as well as chickens ducks dogs a cat a guinie pig doves and a pair of snakes

its simple if you love these animals you will pay whatever the vets want

one of my cockies cost us $360 just for a vet clearance so tht he could go and visit his master in the childrens hospital
a full sized adult cockatoo flying aropund inside a childrens ward !
we let him out at the elivators and he flew the 100mts or so to his boss

i have 2 coastals and im not sure as to their sex and no local vet can tell me
i put the two together and they seem to like eaqch other how do i tell if they are male or female
both about 6 ft long ASA ( female sweedish goddess) is a slimmer snake and seems to enjoy going to sleep with her head between a girls ****s and the other snake is standoffish and prefers to be left alone
they dont seem to mind being in the came enclosure and wii lay on each other

any ideas ???
I was told $95 just for consult. I nearly fell off my chair!!!
I am sure this is a bit excessive....
$95 is pretty pricy in my opinion, I only have to pay $45 for consult.
$30 for consult $15 for fecal
Was that price just for consult or for consult, worming ect. ?
i have accounts at several vets. So i haven't got a clue. i just pay when can. sigh!:(
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